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Jack and Jill (2011)

Adam SandlerKatie HolmesAl PacinoElodie Tougne
Dennis Dugan


Jack and Jill (2011) is a English movie. Dennis Dugan has directed this movie. Adam Sandler,Katie Holmes,Al Pacino,Elodie Tougne are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Jack and Jill (2011) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Jack Sadelstein is a successful advertising executive in Los Angeles with a beautiful wife and kids, who dreads one event each year: the Thanksgiving visit of his fraternal twin sister Jill. Jill's neediness and passive-aggressiveness is maddening to Jack, turning his normally tranquil life upside down.

Jack and Jill (2011) Reviews

  • Sandler's Career May Never Recover


    I sincerely wish I could erase this film from my memory. I love Adam Sandler, and yes, he's had a couple of bad films but this one is so bad I believe his career might actually end because of it. The constant shrieking of Jill is unbearable, and were we really meant to take Sandler's female character seriously? Or was this film only meant to be "funny" because Sandler's in drag? I've still not figured that out, and I don't think I'll devote much more time to doing so. This film led me to create my IMDb account because if what I've said here can keep even one person from paying to see it then I feel it will have been worth writing. Cheers.

  • Deserves to be Erased from Film History


    I will start by saying that I have enjoyed many Adam Sandler movies and have found him to be a generally funny guy when I've seen him interviewed and when he was on Saturday Night Live. I laughed gleefully through Anger Management, Mr. Deeds, Billy Madison, 50 First Dates, and Happy Gilmore. Funny People and Just Go With It were awesome movies! I was brought to tears in Sandler's emotional portrayal in Reign Over Me. I have great respect for the man as a comedian and actor. But Jack and Jill is abysmal. The "jokes" are not only bizarrely misplaced - THEY ARE NOT FUNNY. I did not hear a single laugh, not even a slight giggle from any audience member in the theater. In fact, almost 1/3 of them walked out before it was over. Those who stayed, openly derided the flick as we all exited the theater in utter disgust and sadness. I don't know why Al Pacino was in this movie, his acting made it seem like he was forced at gun point to do this movie. Nick Swardson and Tim Meadows are way too funny to be in such a disaster. Especially given Swardson's stellar performance in Just Go With It. This movie is not a flop, its not an "oops", its not a mistake - it's a career ending pile of trash. A career ender that started with Sandler's god awful "Grown Ups" and climaxes with this revolting hunk of garbage. Sorry Adam, it's over.

  • This is..awful!


    I think this is the worst movie I have seen so far..I don't even know where to begin..It was a mess: the acting was more than bad-I have seen Adam Sandler in other movies before,and I think that so far this is his worst performance, not to mention Katie Holmes..and I don't even want to get started on Al Pacino..( How on earth could he accept such a role?). The storyline is almost non-existent-to be honest,it was pretty hard for me to figure out what exactly was going on in this movie..I realized after watching the trailer that this isn't going to be the movie of the year,and I watched it thinking that it will be the kind of movie that is so bad it's good..Well,it's nothing like that: I couldn't find anything funny about it,on the contrary, it was ridiculous, awkward and quite annoying at some points-I felt really uncomfortable watching this.Although it was supposed to be a comedy, there was no humor in it, the supposedly funny acting turned out to be dull and awkward, and the cheap and flat jokes made it even worse..Don't waste your time and money on this one..

  • torture


    The only reason I went to see this atrocity was because my nine year old daughter really wanted to see it and I'm able to get through some of these terrible movies (i.e. Zookeeper) because she's having fun throughout the movie. Even though she enjoyed the movie I was counting the minutes until it ended. Every scene, every line every moment of this 'movie' was unfunny, awkward, unrealistic (even for an unrealistic movie) and seriously unentertaining (not a word I know). Just when I thought the movie was over, it makes you sit through these stupid clips of real life twins saying 'funny' things about being a twin. IT LASTS THROUGH TILL THE END OF THE CREDITS! This movie is meant to hurt you for paying to see it. Even worse than Old Dogs....seriously!

  • Sandler's House of Stupid


    Is it me, or are Adam Sandler movies getting stupider with each passing one? Oh sure, Sandler's sense of humor has been pretty dumb from the beginning, sometimes in an enjoyable way. But lately, his movies seem to be reaching for a lower form of humor than I even knew existed. I'm guessing it won't take long until we get a movie comprised of nothing but Sandler sitting on the toilet and belching for 90 minutes straight. But, I'm here to talk about Jack and Jill, a stupefyingly dumb comedy that places Sandler in a dual role as both an uptight ad executive and family man, as well as his loud, obnoxious sister. The movie was a miscalculation from the start. Seeing Sandler dressed in drag and talking in a whiny voice probably would have been pushing it in a three minute sketch back in his Saturday Night Live days. In a 90 minute movie, the performance is excruciating. Was there no one around to stop him and tell him the performance, and the character in general, was just a bad idea? No one to say that it just wasn't funny? Seeing a movie like this makes you want to sit Sandler down, and make him watch his performances in Punch Drunk Love, Spanglish, Funny People, and Reign Over Me to remind him that he is so much better than this. The plot (such as it is) concerns Jill (the sister) coming to visit her brother Jack and his family for Thanksgiving. She's only supposed to be there for a few days, but she extends her vacation time, and winds up staying almost to New Years. During that time, we get a lot of toilet humor (much more than a PG-rated comedy aimed at kids needs), a ton of product placements (How much did Dunkin' Donuts pay to get their brand worked into the plot of the movie? And would it have been better for business if they had just stayed out of the movie all together?), and a lot of celebrity cameos that include Sandler's friends, as well as some big names cashing a paycheck. The cameos in this film include David Spade (in drag, no less), Dana Carvey, Johnny Depp, Regis Philbin, John McEnroe, Shaquille O'Neal, Drew Carey, Christie Brinkley, and Bruce Jenner. Oh, and then there's Al Pacino. Yes, I said Al Pacino. Only he's not making a cameo, he's a main supporting character. He plays a caricature of himself as a raving oddball who speaks gibberish in order to fool people he can speak other languages, and becomes inexplicably attracted to Jill when he happens to meet her at a basketball game. Jill has no interest in Pacino, but Jack's ad agency wants to hire the actor for a Dunkin' Donut campaign, so he tries to bring the two together. When Jill further resists, Jack is forced to dress up as his sister and be seduced by Pacino. But never mind. The important thing is Pacino gets the film's only laughs, because he tackles the material head-on and with full passion. He obviously knows this material is stupid, but he gives such an energetic performance, you sometimes find yourself laughing, even if what he says isn't that funny. Say what you will about his decision to appear in this movie, but he earns every cent of that paycheck when he appears in trash like this. Outside of Pacino's off the wall performance, I can't say I laughed very much at Jack and Jill. The movie's just not that funny. Don't tell that to the guy who was sitting two rows behind me at my screening, though. Every tired pratfall, every loud fart that blasted on the soundtrack, and every knock to the head caused him to erupt in extremely loud fits of laughter, stomping of feet, and slapping his knees. I wanted to ask him what he found so funny about the movie. Most of all, I wanted to be enjoying myself as much as he was. That's obviously the intention of the movie. It wants to make us laugh and forget our problems for 90 minutes or so. That's admirable. But it fails on both counts. My guess as to the reaction of the man sitting behind me? He's been locked away somewhere for a very long time, and has never seen a movie in his life. I won't go so far as to say that Jack and Jill is the worst comedy of the year, as there's much worse out there. But, it's certainly one of the most annoying. This is the kind of movie where the filmmakers started with the idea of Sandler playing brother and sister, and then stopped there, not developing the screenplay, characters, or the jokes. Considering that the initial idea wasn't that hot to start with, maybe they shouldn't have even gone as far as they did.

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