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Monte Walsh (1970)

Lee MarvinJeanne MoreauJack PalanceMitchell Ryan
William A. Fraker


Monte Walsh (1970) is a English movie. William A. Fraker has directed this movie. Lee Marvin,Jeanne Moreau,Jack Palance,Mitchell Ryan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1970. Monte Walsh (1970) is considered one of the best Western movie in India and around the world.

Monte Walsh is an aging cowboy facing the ending days of the Wild West era. As barbed wire and railways steadily eliminate the need for the cowboy, Monte and his friends are left with fewer and fewer options. New work opportunities are available to them, but the freedom of the open prairie is what they long for. Eventually, they all must say goodbye to the lives they knew, and try to make a new start.

Monte Walsh (1970) Reviews

  • Bittersweet Celebration of the American Cowboy


    When "Monte Walsh" appeared in 1970, I avoided it like the plague. "Who wants to see a movie about the end of an era?" I asked myself, conveniently forgetting how much I loved "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance." So, nearly 30 years later, Turner Classic Movies gave me the opportunity to correct what might have been a mistake. Had I erred in 1970? Well, yes and no. Yes, because "Monte Walsh" now joins my list of one of the five best westerns ever made; and, no, because at the tender age of 21, I would not have appreciated this masterpiece; which, in these especially troubled times, seems more relevant than ever. According to TCM host, Robert Osborne, William Fraker directed only 4 films during his distinguished career, preferring his role as director of photography. If "Monte Walsh" is any example, then director Fraker missed his calling; as, "Monte Walsh" boasts outstanding ensemble acting, unusual unless the director is especially gifted. Many in this cast give the best performances of his or her career, particularly Jim Davis and Mitchell Ryan. "Monte Walsh" should be the role for which Marvin is remembered, as "Chet" should be the role to remember Jack Palance. It's a joy and a privilege to watch Marvin and Palance interact, even more enjoyable than Marvin and John Wayne in their frequent pairings. The first two thirds of "Monte Walsh" is largely upbeat, even in the hard times portrayed, while the final third left me both numb and aching. "I won't p**s on 30 years of my life," is one of the many profound quotations in "Monte Walsh." It defines Monte's code of honor; a decent, loving and honorable man unwilling to compromise who he is. I give "Monte Walsh" a "10".

  • Realistic Western developed in an unhurried style...


    William A. Fraker's "Monte Walsh" is another bit of autumn… Here commemorated is the end of the cattle demand, and its key personality… Nothing in terms of Westerns can be deplorable than that… Blessed with the best of beginnings, a novel by Jack Schaefer, who gave a similar sound basis for "Shane," this depressed, impressive picture is a requiem for the cowboy... The cowboy superfluous and looking for a shop-keeping job; big business moving in from the East to rationalize; a cow town with an air of an early stage ghost town… Any cowhand worth his coffee and beans could be forgiven for providing the thought: far better to go out in gun-blaze like the "Wild Bunch." There are violent happenings in "Monte Walsh," which had Arizona locations, but not violent-spectacular… Controlled melancholy covers them as it does everything else… Two grizzled characters, Lee Marvin and Jack Palance, who have both known better cow-punching times, ride into Harmony, another distant relative of the town portrayed in "Shane," and think themselves lucky to get jobs on an old ranch… Among the new ranch hands is Mitch Ryan, who is determined to break a wild gray stallion… The rheumy eye of Marvin still takes expert note… Relaxation for the two aging cowboys consists of a saloon-gal for Marvin (Jeanne Moreau, making both her U.S. and Western debut) and a widow (Allyn Ann Mclerie) with a hardware store for Palance, who ultimately makes a choice for marrying the store owner… The film is a realistic Western developed in an unhurried style with the emphasis on character and on the real drudgery of frontier life…

  • An unusual western with a poetic touch


    This is one of my favorite Westerns. Yet, it cannot boast of a gunfight or excessive action that is a trademark of westerns. There are several reasons why I love this film. It is a reflective sensitive film, with the main character trying to come to terms with change. It deals with people and nature--fodder for good poetry. That gets a fillip when the director William Fraker, is an accomplished cinematographer. Lee Marvin is great when he is brooding and therefore a superb choice. Jeanne Moreau is a delight to watch in any film but her performance in this film is one I will never forget. Yet when I asked Ms Moreau some 15 years after the film was made about this film, she didn't even appear to recall the name of William Fraker--but merely referred to him as another cinematographer-turned-director. I have always wondered at that reaction....Jack Palance is another wonderful actor who makes this movie great.. In retrospect the casting was superb. A good western needs good music. This one has one of the finest songs I have heard "the good times are a'coming" by Mama Cass Elliot. I recommend this film and "Will Penny" as great unusual westerns that touch you if you appreciate good filmmaking--and do not evaluate a western by the action sequences.

  • "Nobody gets to be a cowboy forever."


    So says Monte's friend as they sit on a front porch, wondering what they'll do now that their way of life is coming to a close. One of the most touching and poignant westerns ever made, "Monte Walsh" is a love poem written to a way of life that only lasted about 20 years, but defined much of American culture. The cowboy period only lasted from about 1865 to 1885, and this film shows several friends who have been cowboys for most of that time, deeply in love with their work, who see it all ending, and are powerless to stop it. Barbed wire fence and one really hard winter (which really did happen, and single handedly changed the western cattle industry, and eradicated the cowhand) do away with their blissful existence, forcing them to confront themselves. What do they do now? It isn't always pretty, and the decisions they make when the chips are down tell you most everything you need to know about human nature. The wonderful theme song by Mama Cass Elliot "The Good Times Are Coming" is just marvelous, and perfect for the film. All in all, one of the 5 best westerns ever made, and the absolute best one dealing with the working cowhand culture. Don't watch this movie if you are embarrassed about crying, because it will break your heart. Truly a work of art. The words "I rode down the gray" will haunt you for the rest of your life.

  • Elegy to the west.


    Here's a case of Palance putting in a great supporting role like he has done so often, a truly selfless actor with a great humility. Seldom does an actor allow himself to look as pathetic as Palance does in his performances. This is a great film, primarily due to the metaphor near the end where Marvin tries to tame a horse, frustratingly attempting to control the nature of all things around him. The austere writing and stilted acting lend to the overall tone, creating an elegiac western greatly under-appreciated in its time. One of those small, offbeat movies awash in a decade of so many sparkling little films, each challenging the strictures of Hollywood. I loved it.

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