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Vegas Vacation (1997)

Vegas Vacation (1997)

Chevy ChaseBeverly D'AngeloRandy QuaidEthan Embry
Stephen Kessler


Vegas Vacation (1997) is a English movie. Stephen Kessler has directed this movie. Chevy Chase,Beverly D'Angelo,Randy Quaid,Ethan Embry are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1997. Vegas Vacation (1997) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

When Clark Griswold puts his mind to something, we soon realize he hasn't got one. Still, nothing stops him when the vacation bug hits. This time, he's chosen Las Vegas, the new family entertainment capital of America! Chevy Chase returns as bubbly, bumbling Clark in Vegas Vacation, a jokers-are-wild laugh fest including two other stars from past Vacations. Beverly D'Angelo is back as wife Ellen, doting on the guy she calls "Sparky," and Randy Quaid again delights as grubby goof ball Cousin Eddie. Ethan Embry (That Thing You Do!) and screen-debuting Marisol Nichols are Griswold teens who love the round-the-clock nightlife - as long as they don't share it with Mom and Dad! From Seigfried and Roy's extravaganza to a Hoover Dam tour, from cruising to losing (Wallace Shawn as a shifty blackjack dealer) to amorous crooning (Wayne Newton falls for Ellen): watch Clark try to keep family and wallet together!

Vegas Vacation (1997) Reviews

  • What's not to like? This movie is a classic like the first.


    I've read many comments about the Vacation movies. Most people give the original "Vacation" high marks, but trash the others. I think a lot of people just like to be pick on Chevy Chase. "Vacation" is the best, but I liked the sequels and "Vegas Vacation" is my favorite of them. My kids just love to watch "Vegas Vacation". You can't pop in the DVD expecting to watch a movie that will be thought provoking or life altering. It was made to make people laugh and it accomplishes that very well. Chevy Chase and cast are very funny in this movie. The Wayne Newton bit was great. I love going to Vegas, and I love this movie. When my wife and I fly to Vegas, we always kid about going to the bathroom to join "the club" like Clark and Ellen. Numerous other things remind us of the movie when we are in Vegas, and it has made those trips even more enjoyable. Just wish Chevy would do another "Vacation" movie.

  • The Griswalds Parade In Vegas


    "Vegas Vacation" makes no pretenses to be a good, hearty, intelligent piece of cinema: it features many critical, inexcusable flaws, such as: trafficking in mindless frivolity, some occasionally cheesy dialogue, and even wavers constantly from scene to scene without any means of resolution or connection. Yet, if you can ignore its many irksome qualities, the latest outing with the Griswalds is simply an outrageous, hilarious, and pleasurable romp of a movie. If you laugh at something senseless and absurd, such as Cousing Eddie babbling on about his worthless, pathetic existence, or Clark Griswald finding himself at the edge of the Hoover Dam, or even a busload of tourists crashing into the estate of "Mr. Las Vegas", Wayne Newton, so what? Where logic and reasoning are scarce behind the odds of the scenarios the Griswalds encounter, laughs are aplenty to make this one gleeful, jovial outing full of some really effective comedy. The idea of the dysfunctional Griswalds venturing to Vegas for yet another "family vacation" and finding themselves experiencing the whims of the city of entertainment in their own individual ways, with Clark being a hapless, compulsive gambler, Ellen having somewhat of an affair with Wayne Newton, Rusty hitting it rich at the casinos and masquerading as a "playboy", and Audrey aspiring to be an exotic dancer, how hilarious can it get? Couple this with the outrageous imbecilic likes of Cousin Eddie continuing to plague Clark's existence, and "Vegas Vacation" succeeds in delivering a royal flush of laughs. If it's silly and inane, if scenarios are too illogical for words, and if not everything really comes together by the end, at least you have plenty of funny material to laugh away at, and that makes for a jolly good outing, when you find yourself laughing consistently throughout the film, which warrants a solid recommendation for "Vegas Vacation". Hilarious! *** out of ****

  • What Happens in Vegas...


    Mayhem ensues when the Griswolds go to Las Vegas in this fourth film in the 'Vacation' franchise. Chevy Chase is solid as always and Wallace Shawn has a fun extended cameo this time round as a condescending croupier, but with minimal road trip elements here, the dynamic is not quite as juicy as the first or even second film. The plot basically consists of each member of the Griswold clan having their own individual Vegas experiences, and while there is quite a bit of oddball humour in how Rusty makes it as a gambling king, there is not a lot of interest in Audrey becoming a Vegas dancer, Ellen being seduced by Wayne Netwon or Clark's gambling debt woes (Shawn's role in the matter aside). The recasting of the kids (yet again) also works against the film; while Marisol Nichols and Ethan Embry are both older than the characters they are playing, they don't look it, while Chase - with grey hair now - looks older than ever. Randy Quaid also has far too much screen time for his own good as the abrasive cousin Eddie and it is hard to know what to make of a scene in which Quaid and Chase visit an outskirts casino with "what number am I thinking of" gambling games. The solution to Chase's gambling woes comes a little too easily too. There are, however, enough scattered good moments here to make the film possibly worth a look. The return of the blonde in a convertible (from the first film) is a nice touch, some dam wordplay surprisingly works well, a sun-roof incident is quite funny and what a way the film depicts to obtain a fake ID!

  • I'm here to bring you the middle ground


    Okay--You've probably seen reviews on here that say, "Vegas is the best Vacation ever!", and then "Vegas is the worst Vacation ever!". Now, that doesn't help a person who hasn't seen the movie for himself yet. Here's the middle ground: This isn't as good as the first--sequels rarely are. There isn't as much humor potential as in "Christmas Vacation", either. But for god sakes, people, this is MUCH better than the "European Vacation" movie, which has misfire gags left and right (you can check out my review on THAT by clicking on "mdnrules"). Vegas Vacation has as much "Cousin Eddie" humor as in the Christmas Vacation movie which seems to make up for the "diaster" humor Vegas is lacking. This movie seems to have the happiest ending of all of them. Based on many opinions, here is the order of the Vacations, starting with the best and ending with the worst: 1. a tie between "Vacation" and "Christmas Vacation" 2. Vegas Vacation being a fair third, and 3. European Vacation being a very distant fourth. Hope this helps, all.

  • Have to admit after 20th viewing that it is good


    I saw this movie when it was first released in the theatres, and thought it was one of the worst films ever made. Since then, whenever this movie comes on TV, I cannot turn it off. What was once like watching a car wreck has become an enjoyable viewing experience that is a very funny experience. Still can't figure out how the daughter grew up Latina but Marisol Nichols is so cute, who cares? Sinatra imitator very funny, as is the seemingly five minutes of silence they hold on the Quaid/Newton bit. Also funny, the server in the buffet "oh you're right, this is chicken WANT SOME!" and Chevy Chase butt-ugly costume.

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