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Autumn Lights (2016)

Autumn Lights (2016)

Guy KentMarta GastiniSveinn Ólafur GunnarssonThora Bjorg Helga
Angad Aulakh


Autumn Lights (2016) is a English,Italian,Icelandic movie. Angad Aulakh has directed this movie. Guy Kent,Marta Gastini,Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson,Thora Bjorg Helga are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Autumn Lights (2016) is considered one of the best Drama,Mystery movie in India and around the world.

Set against Iceland's dramatic landscape, Autumn Lights is a story of morality, virtue, and relationships as seen through the eyes of a foreigner in a strange land. The story follows David, an introverted American photographer adrift in remote Iceland while on assignment. When he gets caught in a local investigation after discovering a deserted body washed ashore, David is temporarily bound to a place he doesn't call home and he acquaints himself with the few inhabitants in the area, among them Marie, an Italian woman whose shiftiness betrays not only her beautiful face but her Icelandic husband Jóhann and his own unruffled demeanor. As days pass, David's fascination with the couple intensifies and he slowly begins to find himself entangled in their mysterious lives.

Autumn Lights (2016) Reviews

  • Slow Methodical


    There is no story development. It's about neurotic narcisistic people in a remote place on the planet earth. That alone would drive anyone crazy. This was a terrible contribution to the movie industry. Categorized as a Mystery, but, there is absolutely no Mystery at all. The story was cliche and predictable. Acting was incredibly terrible.

  • An okay start in a beautiful location... but boring and trivial film....


    Beautiful locations, so-so (if not dull) cinematography, and useless scenes riddled with weak and expositional dialogue. For an independent film, it looks serviceable, but what is technically satisfactory is doubled in it's problems considering character, plot, and performance. The writing and execution needs work - and though one can see the creators' vision and the concept itself has potential, it ended up resulting in an amateur product. It focuses too much on trivial threads, scenes are repetitive and drag. As a personal project, it's good - but as an actual film, it's a feather - it holds no weight to it. Nothing's really all too incredible except the location of Iceland itself, and let's be real - it's not difficult to make Iceland pretty on screen. It's one of the most moody, scenic, and beautiful places on earth - it's just that the story didn't do anything to service that. Heavy handed and boring, even pretentious, this film brings no revelations. Too much telling and not enough showing to bring about the emotional context it so desires to play on. Tries to be earnest without much substance to its subject, as well as predictable. Though this film wasn't that much of an experience to get through, I wouldn't object to seeing any future pieces of the director/studio's in hope that their next project will be much more competent. All that I've taken from this film is that I need to visit Iceland, but I've already known that for a very long time.

  • Watching a tramp flirting is just boring.


    Well this is one of those movies you wonder why they make them. It should just had been a short movie instead as you could fit that whole story in about half an hour. Because there is not much going on in Autumn Lights. It's not a mystery and I wonder why it's categorized as such. A woman died in the beginning and that's about it for the mystery. Don't expect any answers or why they even showed that part of the movie as it has absolutely nothing to do with the actual story. The actual story is about an unfaithful wife, a tramp let's just call her like that, about her depressive state of mind, and about other men trying to have sexual intercourse with her, and this while her husband is the most naive guy ever. It's boring to watch, so don't believe any of those perfect ratings on here. The only good thing about this movie is the view of the lake but then again National Geography has way better documentaries about lakes.

  • A conversational drama with a bit of mystery


    Autumn Lights is a drama about the main character, David, who is on a work-related vacation in Iceland. The movie focuses on his interactions with the people who live near his vacation house. Since it is a remote location in Iceland, he frequently meets up with a couple, Johann and Marie. The Good: A lot of the conversations that were had in this movie will be very relevant to most people and it gives the viewer some food for thought when they leave the theater. The actors were able to communicate their characters' thoughts and feelings about a situation with just a look on their face. This allows for quiet moments of tension that enhance the tone of the movie. The Bad: The overarching plot is a paint-by-numbers of many movies that came before it which led this one to be predictable. The actors all give subdued performances. Most, if not all, of the dialogue has a monotone delivery which removes some of the emotional punch that could have been present. The director attended the screening I was at and he said he wanted the actors to give quiet performances because it adds to the mystery and depth of each character. This would have been a plus if it was applied to maybe just one character and not all of them. Overall, if you like movies that are more focused on the conversations that the characters have than the actual plot, you will most likely find some enjoyment from this one. If you don't like slow-paced dramas, I would stay away from this one because it's nothing you haven't seen before.

  • Beautiful


    As a first review and as a fan of small, foreign films, I happened to stumble upon this title when it was being advertised as playing in Los Angeles & New York. But to my surprise, the title was available on VOD and after watching the intriguing trailer, I gave it a whirl with my husband. I was very moved by this movie. It was unexpected. And I unexpectedly am now writing a review. To start, the craftsmanship is superb. The music, the cinematography, the strong performances and the direction were not formulaic and expected. It's a film of bold choices and it felt very original. I applaud the director and writer of the film Angad Aulakh for creating something so different... Massive superhero fatigue in this household. Now the story... it's a small story. It's conversation-driven. It's not about A to B to C, it's about learning who these intricate characters are and it's a dance between them and how their interactions with one another reward (or the opposite) their lives. My husband and I were engrossed by the heart and soul of these characters. They were wise, astute, interesting people who carry immense pain with them. This is not some hot-button, socially-relevant film but why does every film need to be that nowadays? It was lovely to watch a movie about characters who feel very real and lived in and didn't have to be politically or socially charged. Now Iceland, if you've ever been like I have, you'll know the spectacular beauty. The cinematography just enhances it. But I love that it's not a travelogue film that uses Iceland as a tourist film would. It's just a setting. And it's cold and barren and is an interesting location to set these characters in. Ms. Gastini, who was beautiful in Borgia, is splendid as Marie. She's complex and highly-watchable. I was very moved by her character's storyline and emotional dilemmas, as she delves in with the film's David, played by the handsome young actor Guy Kent. He, too, is beautiful and touching in the role. There's subtly to his emotions, his melancholy, his lust, and he feels like a real man from a different generation. As they say in the film, "there's more to him than he lets on, and I find that attractive." Well, so do I. The character of David is interesting and unexpected and was filled by an actor who I enjoyed watching and entering into this world with. My husband and I discussed the film at length afterward. If you like films that provoke conversation, make you look at your own life and your choices, and inspires you by the artistry, this is a film for you. It's a wonderful movie. I highly, highly recommend this title.

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