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Ava (2017)

Ava (2017)

Noée AbitaLaure CalamyJuan CanoTamara Cano
Léa Mysius


Ava (2017) is a French,Spanish movie. Léa Mysius has directed this movie. Noée Abita,Laure Calamy,Juan Cano,Tamara Cano are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Ava (2017) is considered one of the best Drama,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Ava, 13, is spending the summer on the Atlantic coast when she learns that she will lose her sight sooner than expected. Her mother, Maud decides to act as if everything were normal so as to spend their best summer ever. Ava confronts the problem in her own way. She steals a big black dog that belongs to a young man on the run and later they have a big adventure.

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Ava (2017) Reviews

  • Une surprise !


    I found it bold in many ways. I'm not sure of having already seen something like this. Violence boldness, artistic boldness, hippie boldness, yes, but every day boldness ? boldness to accept one's weakness ? Boldness to accept my weakness ? I found it surprising in many ways but it goes with it. It's funny, crazy, sexy, cool, true. I do not want to spoil any surprises so I won't say much more. I don't know if it's a great movie, but for me it is a memorable movie as I do not often see.

  • Blindness


    What a poignant but simple tale of a thirteen years old girl who lives with her baby sister and single mother and who discovers one day that she will slowly get blind in a few months. Then she becomes awry, especially as a teen. She steals a dog from a vagrant, a gypsy in his twenties, a wayward young gypsy searched by the police. With him, the young girl will try to get pleasure in life before getting prisoner of the forever darkness. You can think some minutes about a sort of BONNIE AND CLYDE scheme. A desperate but no totally hopeless story however.

  • I did not expect reality from it


    I liked it: the film operates with loads and loads of symbols without becoming tedious or cumbersome. Instead, the viewer is invited to be curious about these ideas and dive deeper into the layers. Casting is spot on, characters are good, and I simply adore the soundtrack. What made me strangely detached early on was the fact that I simply did not find the film believable, and even the music score could hardly drag me back into the plot. Obviously, I did not expect reality from it. And I love fairy tales, by the way. Yet somehow the characters' motivations and the way these are fit into the narrative leave things to be desired. They felt incomplete. It's a very good movie, but as it is mighty close to being great, a slightly frustrating one at the same time.

  • Amazing


    28th STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. DAY 1, NOV 8th 2017. Swedish premiere of "Ava" (2017). A beautiful, well-paced drama about being on the border between childhood and adulthood, "Ava" is a promising feature debut from Léa Mysius. There is fine acting, a strong screenplay, good direction and deep emotions of fear, frustration, curiosity, excitement, joy, love, sensuality, as 13-year-old Ava learns she has an incurable eye disease that will soon make her blind. She tries to cope with it as best she can -- all while falling in love with an older boy and running away from home, during a hot summer on the French Atlantic coast.

  • Tender movie with amazing soundtrack


    Teenage summer love - story told hundreds times and still done in a very fresh way. Tender and heartwarming movie with great camera shoots and awesome soundtrack.

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