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Boat Trip (2002)

Boat Trip (2002)

Cuba Gooding Jr.Horatio SanzRoselyn SanchezVivica A. Fox
Mort Nathan


Boat Trip (2002) is a English,Swedish,Spanish movie. Mort Nathan has directed this movie. Cuba Gooding Jr.,Horatio Sanz,Roselyn Sanchez,Vivica A. Fox are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. Boat Trip (2002) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Jerry and Nick are two best buddies whose love lives have hit rock bottom, Jerry's especially, having just vomited all over his fiancée on a hot air balloon trip prior to proposing to her. To escape their troubles and find women, they book a trip on-board a cruiseliner, unaware the travel agent has just played a horrid trick on them in retaliation for Nick offending his secret gay lover. And that's the trick; it's a gay cruiseliner for gay men to meet and mingle. Slowly but surely, the two main characters begin to realize this and in turn get into a lot of humorous predicaments.

Boat Trip (2002) Reviews

  • A highly underrated movie


    Man I don't understand why people come down so hard on this movie and personally, I thought that is was a good but not a great movie but it doesn't deserved all the negativity that you hear, anyway it's about Jerry (Cuba Gooding) who proposes to his snotty girlfriend Felicia (Vivian A. Fox) and he and his unsophisticated friend Nick (Heratio Sanz) decide to go on a cruise so they can meet some beautiful woman but after Nick cussing one of the cruise agents out, they wind up on a GAY CRUISE!! There's a funny appearance by Roger Moore who was a former James Bond and there's a funny scene by Felicia who tells a guy to be careful with her luggage cause she claims that they're worth more than what he makes in a year. When I saw this movie in the theater, they're was only 8 people, only 8, can you believe that. If you ask me if I would watch this movie again, the answer is yes but I'll wait till it comes out on DVD or the video.

  • a funny film to rent


    Well, I thought this movie was pretty funny. Two straight guys on a gay cruise. Which they don't know when they board. It's not exactly a masterpiece of a comedy. Cuba Gooding does what does best, plays around acting like an idiot. But in this scenery it works, he is kind of girly. Just don't expect to much of it, and it's quite enjoyable. When I went to see it didn't have any expectations, and ended of feeling good about myself (im not gay by the way, although it might sound like it). The swedish swimsuit team was a bit much though. It might have been funnier if they actually spoken swedish. But to summarize, it's a good movie to rent with your buddies!

  • Harmless vulgar sex-farce on a Ship of Poofs


    I picked this one up (the DVD version) totally on impulse the other night, not having a clue as to what it would really be like. The title, cover design and descriptive blurb on the back of the DVD would indicate something quite different than a couple of guys who accidentally wind up on a cruise for gay men. But no matter, as the film turned out to be a "guilty pleasure" sort of comedy. In that respect it's not unlike "Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo", or some of the more risqué Benny Hill skits: sure it's stupid, vulgar and corny, but sometimes exactly those kinds of comedies can fill a comedy niche with certain viewers. Most of the humor IS combination corny/vulgar - with some of it venturing into the gross-out variety. But, I did laugh out loud more than once, and at least found myself chuckling throughout most of it. The scenery is great - I mean, you've got the Swedish suntanning team prancing around in bikinis, providing proof that Swedes aren't all a bunch of square-heads afterall. (Victoria Silvstedt, who really is from Sweden, is quite beautiful, BTW). In addition, there are some picturesque scenes of a Mediterranean coastal town where the cruise ship makes a port visit. The cruise-ship set - created on a soundstage in Cologne, Germany, believe it or not - is quite well done (I was going to say "gorgeous", but since I'm straight, I guess I shouldn't use that word). Roger Moore co-stars, and I wasn't shocked or disappointed or disgusted (as some other commenters appear to have been) to see the great former James Bond, 007 make an appearance in the film, playing a double-oh-gay, double-okay sort of old poof. He actually has some pretty funny lines in the film, especially at the end when they are preparing to sky-dive. The other actors - Cuba Gooding Jr., Horatio Sanz, Roselyn Sanchez, et al - were certainly more than adequate to convey the whole silly sex-farce comedy of the film. So, I would have to recommend it as worth seeing - the caveat being that it's probably intended more for adults, and for those times when you want a light-hearted, zany, not mean-spirited sex-farce sort of comedy. (You'll never look at Roger Moore in a James Bond film the same way again, I guarantee it!).

  • Not great, but still quite entertaining


    I stumbled on this movie by pure accident and I had absolutely no idea what kind of movie it was before I saw it. As I didn't recognize the name of that movie, I guessed that it would be really bad flop, but the movie turned out to be a pleasant surprise. The movie is not a masterpiece, but I found it quite entertaining, relaxed and maybe even hilarious. And I guess it is really hard to make a comedy that people would consider a masterpiece. I will definitely show this film to my friends and I think this film can be enjoyed more than once. It is somewhat clumsy film, but mostly in a positive way. The movie had a lot of silly jokes based on different kind of stereotypes like swedes and gays, but I think it worked quite well. And in my opinion none of the stereotypes was done in offending way and all of the characters were likable - even the promiscuous, but a bit "blond" Swedish woman and her strict coach. At least as a gay I didn't find the movie homophobic or the gay stereotypes offensive at all, unlike some comments. I think that the movie could have been a bit better if it wouldn't have had that explicit "I guess gays might be OK" phrase and the stereotypes had been a bit nastier. And with a bit better directing the movie could have had better fluidity. But I can recommend the movie even though it wasn't flawless. I especially liked the performance of Cuba Gooding Jr. But some straight guys might find the movie boring or maybe a bit embarrassing even though the movie has some relatively good looking women and the main characters are straight. And of course not all people like this kind of comedies with adolescent and a bit tasteless humour.

  • A Trip that's hard to forget - unfortunately


    Two straight guys end up on a gay cruise. I really, really wonder how anyone could have thought that this simple idea would make for a good and funny movie, but unfortunately a lot of people thought so and there we are. I mean, in my opinion the worst kind of movies are bad comedies. I can live with bad action movies or bad horror movies or even bad dramas. But watching a really bad comedy is like getting beaten up. Other bad movies at least can make you laugh (sometimes) but if a comedy is really bad there's nothing left to enjoy.I can honestly say that "Boat Trip" is one of the worst comedies I have ever seen. The story itself is awful and even worse, unbelievably predictable. There isn't a joke you don't see coming miles before it happens and it's always one you really wish won't happen, because it is such a bad one. But every joke here hits its bad mark and leaves you with nothing more to do than to stare at the screen in disbelief. The whole "gay" issue is handled as bad as possible. There is not a single "normal" gay person on this ship. Everyone is a kind of a freak, dresses like a woman, makes exaggerated moves and is saying "uh" and "oh" and "ohoho" and "ohlala" and things like that all the time. Every cliché you can imagine about a gay man is implanted here and beaten so long until it's last drop of life vanishes. And it's all about sex. Everyone is kissing and touching and making sexual advances at everyone else. At the breakfast buffet there is an ice sculpture that looks like a bunch of penises. That's supposed to be funny. When one character makes a change of mind from hating gays to being gay it is so unconvincing that 1 minute later he is running after one of the babes. When he asks a store clerk if they got any condoms, a dozen gay men hand him some condoms, because, you know, gay people need them, ho ho. The other guy has to act as if he's gay so he can sleep with the girl he loves (don't ask about the logic). When they do so under an orange tree, oranges fall down, so that afterward they are covered in about 100 oranges. He also does a dance show as a drag queen for about 3 minutes. Everyone is shocked or disgusted about being gay, no matter if it's a man or a woman. Imagine that: this movie is about gays and it isn't even sure what to think of them. When one guy starts philosophizing that gay people may not be so bad after all you're almost ready to believe him. This movie is as sexist, homophobic and horny as a movie can be. The characters are unbelievable cut-out stereotypes played by untalented actors with no conviction at all. Yes, there is Cuba Gooding Jr. who, let's face it, is not a talented person and hasn't done a good film since "Jerry Maguire" and "As Good As It Gets". His fat, stupid partner is one of the worst actors in this movie. Victoria Silvstedt plays one of the super babes by showing as much as she can without undressing. Roger Moore wanders through the movie as a kind of preacher who wants everyone to become gay and says one line that is unforgettable. Before parachuting out of a plane he really says: "I was in the service for her majesty once." That hurts. There is Vivica A. Fox on auto-pilot, Bob Gunton in a 5-second bit (nevertheless credited in the opening credits), Richard Roundtree in a 10-second-bit (dito) and Lin Shaye as the babes' trainer and at the same time as the most painful-to-watch person in this film. Roselyn Sanchez as the love interest-girl is the only one who doesn't make you cringe every time you see her. But maybe that's just her looks and who cares anyway? There is nothing good in this movie, nothing at all. The music is stupid (with references to "West Side Story", of course), the gay men wear colorful dresses, women's clothes or leather suits, the women wear bikinis or see-through dresses and even the extras are unconvincing. Uneccessary to ask how two loser guys can pay for such a luxury trip. Or why Roselyn can jump into a pool and dry in 2 seconds afterward. Or why she says she likes being on a ship with gay men because then she doesn't have to care about her make-up or her clothes when, while saying that, she wears a lot of make-up and very sexy clothes. Two scenes of unbelievable stupidity are worth mentioning. In one the fat guy somehow has sex with the babes' trainer instead with one of the babes. How this worked I don't know, since the room is obviously lit, so that you see exactly who's lying in the bed, but he nevertheless crawls between her legs, which leads to the two fighting across the room, while the trainer gets orgasmic when being shot through the room with a fire extinguisher. The other, absolutely worst scene, shows Roselyn Sanchez showing Cuba Gooding Jr. how she satisfies a man orally and she does it with a banana for about 2 minutes. The scene ends with Cuba Gooding Jr. ejaculating out of the window on the face of one half of a gay couple. This scene was one of the most painful scenes I ever had to watch in a cinema and the temptation to walk out has never been bigger. This movie is simply dead in the water in every way. Avoid it at all costs, please. Let the makers know what they did to the world by making this movie. Have mercy with yourself.

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