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Breaking Dawn (2004)

Breaking Dawn (2004)

Kelly OvertonJames HavenJennette McCurdyJoe Morton
Mark Edwin Robinson


Breaking Dawn (2004) is a English movie. Mark Edwin Robinson has directed this movie. Kelly Overton,James Haven,Jennette McCurdy,Joe Morton are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2004. Breaking Dawn (2004) is considered one of the best Horror,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

A dedicated young medical student is assigned to probe into the mind of Don Wake, a patient at a psychiatric hospital loaded with secrets. She pushes him to reveal the truth about the brutal murder of his mother, but Don instead warns her of danger looming in the outside world, including a mysterious and threatening man named Malachi. Don pleads with her to break him out of the hospital in order to bring the truth to the surface. But the student dismisses his claims as paranoia... until someone begins to follow her every step. Soon Don's delusions become her reality, and she must determine what is real and what is merely the rambling of a madman. Teetering on the edge of sanity, she is faced with one last decision - whether or not to take an extraordinary risk that could bring about a spectacular healing in Don's mind... and her own.


Breaking Dawn (2004) Reviews

  • Highly recommended


    I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and to date, this year, it is one of my favorites. The story was excellent although the twist at the end was far too predictable and I knew what would happen far too early. Usually when this happens the film is spoiled for me (like "The Others") but even knowing the outcome I still enjoyed it right up to the end. Looking through the comments of others many people were impressed with the performance from Kelly Overton (Eve), I'm afraid I was not. Her performance seemed to be the weak part of the film to me, in contrast to the amazing performance (or characterization) by James Haven (Don Wake) ... I hope we see more of him. What a great little film, highly recommended to all!

  • Kelly Overton - Whoa!


    Saw the film at the Hollywood Film Festival in Oct '04 . Mark Robertson took a huge chance writing an extremely difficult part for his first film and it paid off big in his casting of Kelly Overton. I had a strong feeling she came from the theater so I looked her up here and ...surprise, I'm right. More Hollywood actors should follow her lead, give up the expensive acting classes and get back to theater because only with that kind of training will you be prepared for a ride like this. For all the great things I can say about the film and the director (and there are many) I just can't stop talking to people about Kelly Overton's masterful performance. We'll be seeing a LOT MORE of her work, no doubt. Congratulations to Mark and Kelly on a daring film. Get it out in the theaters so I can bring all the people I made want to see the film ASAP!

  • Interesting movie... and a surprise performance!!


    When i saw this movie the first thing that jumped at me was the acting of Kelly Overton a young (and op and coming star) actress that i saw for the first time totally blew me away.. she is amazing on screen and I'm really looking forward to see what the future brings her.... The movie it self was good in the sense that it let Kelly Overton do her stuff and take the wiever for a ride... not much new tho i had the feeling that i had seen it all before.. but a good experience :) I would recommend this movie... if only to see Kelly Overton.. this stage actor takes the screen by storm.. i give this movie a vote of 7... 5 for the acting performance and 2 for the rest of the movie. And on a last note.. sorry about my bad English.. if this is gibberish for you :P plz ignore me...

  • synergy


    I saw the film yesterday and really enjoyed it.Although there were several clues which I could realize after second time watching ,I was not able to awake the Dow-Dawn case. Maybe this was my carelessness.The subconsciousness of a woman was became concrete with personalization.'Let me go out'the key sentence of the film.Let me go out from deep deep inside of your brain and we will both be free.A discrete film that forcing the limits of human conscious and brain.Anybody who have seen the 'Machinist' would realize the similarities with breaking dawn.A man that could not escape from his conscience (again a psychological and an abstract concept)meets it in an human body.And he will just be free of accepting and realizing there is no way of escape.Also I want to mention about the performances of 'breking dawn's stuffs.In spite of having not many experiences, from actors and actresses to director all exhibited separately reasonable performance that have created a synergy which would increase the quality of the movie

  • Surprisingly Very Good, but....


    This was a surprisingly very good movie, and an interesting idea.. However, it was just a little bit disappointing in that the 'Twist' was a little too predictable and just a bit too early on in the movie. Whilst watching, it started to get a little bizarre and confusing to the point that, the only reasonable outcome possible was the inevitable plot twist, but it certainly did not ruin this movies flow. There were superb performances, there was never a dull boring moment, so totally well worth watching this one. It kept me interested right up until the end, and for me there isn't many movies that can do that these days. I highly recommend people watch this terrific little movie.


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