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Cargo (2017)

Cargo (2017)

Simone LandersMartin FreemanMarlee Jane McPherson-DobbinsLily Anne McPherson-Dobbins
Ben Howling,Yolanda Ramke


Cargo (2017) is a English,Aboriginal movie. Ben Howling,Yolanda Ramke has directed this movie. Simone Landers,Martin Freeman,Marlee Jane McPherson-Dobbins,Lily Anne McPherson-Dobbins are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Cargo (2017) is considered one of the best Drama,Horror,Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

After an epidemic spreads all over Australia, a father searches for someone willing to protect his daughter.

Cargo (2017) Reviews

  • A zombie film with heart


    I read some of the negative reviews of this film before watching it. I almost avoided it for that reason but I'm so glad I didn't. It's a great film, well written and acted, perfectly staged in various locations of the Australian outback to complement the characters and situations they find themselves in. I felt it conveyed realistic human dilemmas and heart, and brought something new to the genre. Forget the naysayers, do yourself a favour and experience this film.

  • First Zombie film that's moved me to tears


    I'm not normally a fan of zombies - they're just too zombie like for my liking. So I tend to avoid zombie movies. But this film flipped my perception of them by telling the story of the gradual deterioration of a decent family man struggling to protect his family, into a murderous flesh eating single dad. Despite this ridiculous concept, it was done very convincingly, Martin Freeman giving a moving and realistic performance helped enormously by his obvious connection with the babies playing his daughter. The setting was stunning and the social relevance of the relationships between whites and indigenous folk was thought provoking and uplifting. I jolly well enjoyed this film!

  • These reviews are from movie snobs!


    Some of the reviews here are extremely harsh on this movie. This movie is an adaptation of a 7 minute short film, was produced by netflix, didn't have a huge budget, and they still managed to create a fansastic film with incredible acting and a heartwarming, if tragic, storyline. This is not an oscar worthy film and wasnt created under the same standers as some of these comments seem to believe, but it was definitely worth the watch. If you want an exciting, emotional story about a parent's devotion to his child amidst the end of the world, give this movie a shot!

  • Cargo: Flawed yet wondrous


    I'd heard very mixed things about Cargo, the one consistent thing said was that the film was sad. Martin Freeman puts in arguably a career best performance in a zombie movie of all things! Telling the story of one mans quest to find a new home for his baby daughter before it's too late. Now I'm a zombie movie lover but when it comes to "Alternative" zombie films I tend to be very disappointed in them. For example The Girl With All The Gifts (2016) and Maggie (2015) which were films I was really looking forward to but I felt let down by. Cargo comes under the same category yet despite some glaring flaws it manages to overcome, is a truly enjoyable movie and an emotional rollercoaster of a ride. An Australian Netflix movie it looks wonderful, goes for the realistic approach to a common (If overplayed) horror sub genre and tells a tour-de-force tale that Freeman knocks out of the park. It has an odd number of flaws, head scratching moments and questionable pacing decisions that prevent it from truly being something special. But these things cannot take away from the fact that Cargo is a great film. The Good: Excellent performance by Freeman Looks great Original concept The Bad: Some frustrating writing decisions Things I Learnt From This Movie: I'm not crying you're crying When a movie makes me care about a kid, it's performed a miracle and deserves praise!

  • 28 days since I was this impressed


    I'm no movie critic, but this movie had everything I wanted and more. Clever, genuinely believable and a stunning performance from Martin Freeman. If you want an intelligent movie about what might happen if the world had a pandemic without lots of unnecessary bloody gore, this is right up there.

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