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Get a Job (2016)

Get a Job (2016)

Miles TellerAnna KendrickBryan CranstonNicholas Braun
Dylan Kidd


Get a Job (2016) is a English movie. Dylan Kidd has directed this movie. Miles Teller,Anna Kendrick,Bryan Cranston,Nicholas Braun are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Get a Job (2016) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Life after college graduation is not exactly going as planned for Will and Jillian who find themselves lost in a sea of increasingly strange jobs. But with help from their family, friends and coworkers they soon discover that the most important (and hilarious) adventures are the ones that we don't see coming.

Get a Job (2016) Reviews

  • Should have never been released.


    Let me start by saying that everything in Get a Job is atrocious except one thing: the acting. If these stars weren't attached to the movie nobody would bat an eye at this thing. It's so awful. I audibly "ugh"-ed when it finished. The message this movie tries to convey is that it's hard to find a job, so you have to stop smoking pot and be determined and never give up and do whatever it takes to get a job. Or don't get a job and be an entrepreneur. The movie throws that one in at the end. A stupid message in the first place because, hey, not everyone has the same circumstances. This type of movie can only resonate with a niche crowd, but worse than that the writing is just dreadful. Cringe-City is what this movie should've been called. I felt bad for Miles Teller having to deliver these cliché lines like, "Never stop believing." Sorry Get a Job but I learned that lesson from Journey a long time ago. Bryan Cranston and Alison Brie try to have fun in their roles, and they really brighten up the mood, but it isn't nearly enough. Anna Kendrick is forced into this shell of a character who gets fired and can't get back on her feet so she succumbs to the evils of weed and laziness. When Anna Kendrick can't be adorable for every second she's on screen, then you know you have a problem. The problem is literally everything else. The writing, the directing, the editing, the f*cking music, it all SUCKS. It's painful. It's one of those movies where you know if the actors weren't already attached to the project, it would've never been made. But the money was there so they hired great actors and they forgot about the rest of the crew so they got people on the street to do direct and their pet cat to write and who needs an editor anyway? The cat can do it! It's like an amateur film at points. I'll be honest, I chuckled a couple of times. And by a couple of times I mean it. I chuckled twice. Maybe smiled a few more times, but for a majority of Get a Job I was either cringing or frustrated at the fact that it was even greenlit and released. This movie... just... UGH.

  • I'm Being Kind to Say It's Abysmal


    How the likes of Miles Teller, Anna Kendrick, Bryan Cranston, Marcia Gay Harden, Alison Brie, John C. McGinley, and Brandon T. Jackson, all most talented actors, can be in such a stinkeroo is a mystery to me. I'm no prude, but when a film is incredibly vulgar and mean-spirited and the intended humor falls flat as a pancake it just becomes torturous to watch. The customary 180 at the end of the film was way too little and way too late. I saw some reviewers state that this movie was "in the can" for 4 years before being released. Why inflict us now? I guess this is a puzzle only the filmmakers can know the answer to.

  • The jokes fall flat, just like its characters


    Miles Teller is once again playing the same character he always plays; I'm starting to question whether his role in Whiplash was a one time thing. He was fine in this role, I think he's mastered this character, but his character in this film was uninteresting. The cast (Bryan Cranston, Ana Kendrick, Alison Brie, etc.) is surprisingly very talented, but it seems that they were wasted in this movie because their characters are indistinguishable from one another. The movie is about people losing their jobs and eventually getting a job, and yet does not succeed in demonstrating why they deserve their job or would realistically even get that job. For example, Miles Teller's character gets his dream job by making a "viral video" (I doubt the movie knows what viral means, because he only get 100 000 views on only one video) and gets a straight pass to job offers and a start at his own company. I don't think that that's how life works, but apparently this movie thinks so. Other than the plot, it's supposed to be a comedy, and it's not actually funny - I mean it's not unfunny but when there is jokes, they kind of fall flat (like its characters).

  • Flawed but watchable


    Despite of a cast with some really big names such as Anna Kendrick, Bryan Cranston, Christopher Mintz Plasse, Marcia Gay Harden, Jorge Garcia, John C McGuinly, Brandon T Jackson, Ravi Patel this was filmed in 2012 but it was not released until 2016. Once you've seen it it's not terribly hard to see why, it tries to squeeze in a little too much than it can handle in a very short running time (74 minutes without credits) to the point that it get a little confusing at times. Which it's definitely not meant to be as this is meant to be a easy going comedy influenced by 80's coming of age comedies but set in present day. But it's far from all bad though, there are some seriously funny stand-alone gags and Miles Teller is a pretty good lead and I could have swore he was John Cusack's son (he sure looks like it). In the end I kind of enjoyed it but I felt like it should have been a lot more fleshed out, not sure if perhaps it was longer at some point and the studio mercilessly cut it down because they felt like it didn't have enough substance to be a 100 minute movie or whatever. Which caused it to often lack coherence and flow, whatever it may be despite it's flaws I definitely didn't dislike it, it helps if you like the cast, just don't expect a big movie experience. 5.5/10

  • Get a job, get along in a job, drugs, video game addiction, young generation.


    This film delayed its release for a couple of years due to the distribution issues. That's not it, the film is no good, the writing was terrible, but a bunch of good actors in it. It is about the recent college graduates who struggles to get a job, even if they do, finds hard to fit in. A very good theme, but they failed to draw a decent storyline for it. I think they knew the film won't get a good response, so they used 'distribution issue' card to hold it back, but now it's out and the result was as expected. It should have been called a drama than the comedy, because right now it lacks from those two categories. It digs on the topics like workplace bullying, harassment, as well as the youngsters' addiction to drugs and video games. In one of the scenes it emotionally appeals when the father tries to pay the bill in a restaurant. They had the right content, but lost in the translation to the screen. There's no proper flow in the story, they had tried too much, at a time it all remained very plain. This is the second film to release in this year for Anna Kendrick and both of them did no good for her, especially this film fell short from a long distance. Same goes for Miles Teller and Bryan Cranston. I hope they all forget it and come strong in their next projects. A few people might like it, but not me. I like quality contents where this film is not one. Thankfully it was short, but only thing is it was not sweet. 3/10

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