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Kazaam (1996)

Kazaam (1996)

Shaquille O'NealFrancis CapraAlly WalkerJames Acheson
Paul Michael Glaser


Kazaam (1996) is a English movie. Paul Michael Glaser has directed this movie. Shaquille O'Neal,Francis Capra,Ally Walker,James Acheson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1996. Kazaam (1996) is considered one of the best Comedy,Family,Fantasy,Musical movie in India and around the world.

Being a lone young boy in the 'hood" is dangerous and unpleasant. This is what Max experiences when he fools a gang of local toughs who cornered him at school. The gang finds out that the key he gave them is of no value in committing a robbery, and they chase him through the streets of his neighborhood, bent on revenge. He tries to escape by slipping into the open door of an old warehouse, but they follow him there, too. While running from them through aisles filled with all kinds of stuff, he bumps into an old boom box. By doing that, he manages to release Kazaam, a genie who has been held captive for thousands of years. In order to stay free, Kazaam must give Max three wishes.

Kazaam (1996) Reviews

  • Read my comment.


    Shaquille O'Neal delivers an Oscar worthy performance in what might be the most powerful performance of the 90's. All around, it is brilliant. This is a gripping and amazing tale about a genie and his friendship with a lonely child. Acting is purely amazing and the story is beautifully played out like poetry in motion. Honestly, this film goes down as one of the all time greats. Top to bottom, this film is perfectly mastered. Every actor in this film comes through and nails the role perfectly. 11/10 Now, imagine the exact opposite of that. Got it? Okay, the truth is...the movie isn't even *that* good. Shaq, what were you thinking?

  • WTF, man?


    Dude. This movie was AWESOME. I loved when he dunked it. Alright, i'm drinking, but so what? So, apparently I have to fill 10 lines of text. That's terrible. Good thing I got half a bottle of wine left. So, yeah, Kazaam was amazing. Shaq was a genie. Who better to play the part? No one, that's who. Yizzeah. So, anyway, Max lives in Compton and is sick of getting shot at so he hires this basketball player to be his genie. Said basketball player is terrible at free-throws. Anyway, this guy is crap into something else and making some other crap fall from the sky. Then he (and the Miami Heat) beat the Washington Wizards 105-86 in the opening game of their Eastern-Conference-semifinals playoff series, but then he lost to Steve Nash in the MVP voting. So, the moral is, genies are better than wizards.

  • This movie changed my life.


    This movie really helped me find myself. Before I saw this movie, I wandered this streets crying often knowing my life had no purpose. Until one faithful day, I found myself in Chuckey Cheese on my usual drinking binge. When to my surprise, the robotic Chucky Cheese and gang started singing "Happy Birthday" which sounds exactly like "You're the Best" (a song from Karate Kid) after an eleven day drink binge. I saw a bright light, which many witnesses argue was a fire cause from the bad wiring in the Chucky Cheese band, pointing at the prize shelf. I took the remaining money I found on a passed out man outside the Chucky Cheese and went to play the Wack-A-Mole game that changed my life. I furiously pounded the moles while I was in the middle of the Chucky Cheese. The children screamed and cried as I fulfilled my destiny; if I could see those children again, I would hug them, for I would not have been able to win those two magical tickets. I went over to thank Chucky which soon after I blacked out, passing out on stage I woke up a few days later in my one room apartment with the tape super-glued to my face. In my excitement I quickly tore it from my skin and shoved it into my VCR. The next hour and thirty-six minutes (I got the special edition) of my life would be the happiest any man could ask for. I was so blown away by the amazing special effects that I was overcame and called an ambulance to pick me up after the movie ended. Shaq play a stunning and realistic role as a rapping Genie. I often found myself dancing in room to his tunes while my neighbor was yelling hurtful words and threats through the wall. After awhile though, I passed out on my floor. Awaking from another blackout, I caught glimpses of Shaq giving candy to all the children. I laughed, I cried. Could this movie be as brilliant as I realized. The ambulance pulled up and I told the paramedics to grab my belly; I was immediately tared. After a few weeks in intensive care, I returned to my house how I left it. Kazaam has given me a new out look on life and hopefully it will help shape your views.

  • An astounding, ground-breaking movie


    This movie is very underrated, with betrayal, love, hardships, a gold script with 0 errors and an Oscar worthy performance from Shaq, this movie is very underrated. Had incredible special effects and blood effects, honestly this movie is unbeatable. Now my opponent is the type to stall to wait for the buzzer to go off so he doesn't have to explain anything and he is a liar and cannot be trusted and is not fit to be elected as president of North Korea. Mr. Trump what is your response to this? Well twitter bios I love them, LOVE them. And my bio? The best, UNbeatable. Unlike crooked Hillarys bio, full of lies, no truth, sad. Mrs. Clinton, what is your response to Trump? Saturday morning jumped out of bed And put on my best suit Got in my car and raced like a jet All the way to you Knocked on your door with heart in my hand To ask you a question 'Cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man, yeah Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No' Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway Marry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl Yeah, no matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so Rude I hate to do this, you leave no choice Can't live without her Love me or hate me we will be boys Standing at that altar Or we will run away To another galaxy, you know You know she's in love with me She will go anywhere I go Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die Tough luck, my friend, 'cause the answer's still 'No" Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway Marry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl No matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so Rude Rude Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know You say, I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die Tough luck, my friend, but 'No' still means 'No'! Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway Marry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl No matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so Rude Why you gotta be so Rude Why you gotta be so rude?

  • I feel enlightened after watching this movie (in the good way, not the naked after a party way).


    I remember watching this film as a semi-retarded adolescent and not enjoying it due to the vague underlying themes that flew over my head at such a young age. However, last week, passing this movie in the Blockbuster Mega-Discount bin, I decided to re-watch it and see if my opinion has changed. (I tried to keep this review as spoiler free as possible, without losing some of the movie's flair. I feel I have succeeded) I must say, spending that 2.50$ plus tax was the greatest decision of my pitiful and shameful life. In the 5 days I have had the VHS, I have watched this film at least 15 times, I unfortunately lost track after blacking out naked on my carpet on the 2nd day. This movie goes down in history as one of the 5 greatest drama sequels of all time, and If I had to put a rating on it's comedy factor, I would give it 4 thumbs way up. I found myself laughing throughout the entire film, calling my friends and family to repeat jokes I had heard. The casting in this film is absolutely excellent, with Shaq leading the performance like a Frenchman in a yogurt factory. The story revolves around a genie named Shaq, and a small Italian boy named Max. Upon finding a magic stereo player, Max discovers a small black genie living inside, and offers to give him a place to sleep and eat for a week. Ironically, this is where the theme of pedophilia comes into play, with multiple scenes of Max and Shaq showering together and close up shots of them smiling. I hate to repeat myself, but as a child, I understood nothing about this subject. However, as a fleshy man, I see it in a new and blinding light. There are several moments throughout the play where the development of the characters and storyline drag, but the rest of the film certainly make up for it. The end is griping, and keeps me on the edge of my seat every time I watch it. At the same time, I cry when the credits roll and long to see Shaq's black face one more time (of course, I will rewind the movie at this point and watch it over again). On a final note, this movie is almost perfect in every aspect. This is the epitome of what a Hollywood blockbuster should be. The casting is amazing, the special effects are mind-blowingly realistic and stunning, the fully orchestrated soundtrack fits the mood perfectly and amplifies the experience. If I were to put a grade on this, I would have to give it a 9/10, losing a point because of the slight nudity (i'm not the biggest fan, but I won't say no!). But, this is not a movie to be rated, it is a movie to be bought, watched, and enjoyed. Do yourself a big favor and buy this movie, your taste buds will thank you.

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