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Laskar Pelangi (2008)

Laskar Pelangi (2008)

Cut Mini TheoZulfannyIkranagaraLukman Sardi
Riri Riza


Laskar Pelangi (2008) is a Indonesian movie. Riri Riza has directed this movie. Cut Mini Theo,Zulfanny,Ikranagara,Lukman Sardi are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2008. Laskar Pelangi (2008) is considered one of the best Adventure,Drama,Family movie in India and around the world.

In the 1970s, a group of 10 students struggles with poverty and develop hopes for the future in Gantong Village on the farming and tin mining island of Belitung off the east coast of Sumatra.

Laskar Pelangi (2008) Reviews

  • A story of our lives


    I came to watch this movie without much expectation and did not know anything about the hype that has been surrounding it. I sat down and ate my popcorn. Then the film started. I watch and watch and watch without noticing that 2 hours has passed and I woke up and now see world and a whole different angle. This is a story of our lives. We may notice or not, but millions of children were left out there without enough food, shelter, clothes let alone education. Watching this movie and saw how 10 brave rainbow warriors (title of the film) went through harsh life with tears and joy but without remorse, it really moved me how we always look above us with envy but not noticing (or worse, ignore) all the blessing that many other people may not have. two thumbs up for Andrea Hirata for sharing his life and be motivator for us to understand life better and thankful for the bless God gives us. And a standing applause for Riri Reza and the team for adopting the movie from a different angle. Thank you for showing and moving me to understand and act how a live should be. I have watched this movie and I will not hesitate to watch it the second time and enjoy how Ikal, Lintang, Mahar and friends share their happiness despite the cruelty of world.

  • A Lovely Experience


    Have just seen the European Premiere at the Berlin Film Festival. This was the first Indonesian film I had ever seen and did not know what to expect. I was not disappointed. It was colourful, beautifully photographed and well acted by the young cast. The plot was somewhat simplistic and the 'preachy' pro Islamic Education sentiments which were repeated ad-nauseum throughout became rather tiresome. Other systems work as well you know! Despite this I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and only the extremely hard of heart would not have to wipe tears from their eyes at the moving finale. Highly recommended. It deserves to be seen by a wider audience.

  • A must see Indonesian movie


    This is one of few Indonesian movie that makes me cry, laughs, and inspired at the same time. It show how beautiful Bangka island is. I watch it with my best friend who was originally from Bangka and she said: "This movie capture the beauty of Bangka so perfectly, she felt so touched and want to go home to Bangka." The simple stories of 10 little poor kids studying together in a run down Muslim school. The school has 1 principle, 2 teacher and 10 students. The story show poverty from a different angle, it doesn't blame poverty instead it reveal the "secret" that the best thing in live can't be bought with money. The pure happiness from extremely poor little children that can barely afford shoes, make us wonder "Why can't we be more satisfied with our lives and start to give more to those who need it?" Friendship, puppy love, willingness to give, faith is the beauty of life, isn't it? The acting of Cut Mini Theo is natural and touching. But the best part of this movies is seeing those innocent children laughs and play in the wilderness, it just pure happiness and you can just felt that it's not fake, it's genuine, the chemistry between this young actors felt so real. Riri Riza is a very talented director and I hope he can bring more of his movies to an international movie platform, he has so much potential. I'm looking forward for the see the sequel of Laskar Pelangi, because it's adapted from a wonderful book, which I believe has more to the story. This book has make a phenomenon in Indonesia, a big hit in the book community, and a even bigger hit in ALL community in Indonesia. There is even a new book called "Laskar Pelangi, the Phenomenon" because of this is the biggest thing going on right now. The female teacher that inspired the story got a reward because of her dedication to teach poor student from remote area. Indonesia government even reconsider the education policy and make effort to understand the education system in other more untouched village outside the more develop Java. The author of the book, Andrea Hirata is a brilliant young man. As a back packer, his dream is to live in the highest village in the world, Gompa in the Himalayas. He receive scholarship to study master degree in French and UK and graduated cum laude from both University. This is his first book, and he instantly become the a widely author in Indonesia, from teenager to intellectual professional. This is definitely a breakthrough in Indonesia movie and literature world

  • A must-see Indonesian Movie


    This movie is definitely one of the best movie ever made by Indonesian director in recent years. This movie has overtaken Ayat Ayat Cinta (AAC) as the most seen movie in Indonesian's cinemas. The latest info from Indonesian newspaper says that total people watched Ayat Ayat Cinta was about 3.7 millions (final result) while Laskar Pelangi has acquired about 4 millions spectators as of end of October 2008 (after 1 month showing) and the movie is still showing in many theaters throughout big cities in Indonesia. It is expected that 5 millions spectators is within reached and this movie can be a new milestone for Indonesian Film. The story tells about 10 children known as LASKAR PELANGI (RAINBOW'S ARMY)and their brotherhood, honesty and most of all: spirit to conquers all barricades. This movie is helpful for parents who try to convince their children that results depend on effort and nothing is taken for granted. Besides, this movie is based on a real life story and all characters stated in the movie are still alive and can be verified. I am a horror-movie fan but watching this movie has made me crying and laughing almost the same time. Through this film, I thank God that I did not have to suffer like them.

  • A-Not-So-Complete Depiction of Belitung Island


    This is the most anticipated movie in Indonesia, in 2008. It is a movie about a small poor school, that has only two dedicated teachers and 10 pupils, struggle for survival. One thing is very common for movie critics in Indonesia. They tend to give more credits if the movies being reviewed contain good moral values. The same thing happens with this movie, Laskar Pelangi. Many reviewers acclaim this movie, and I choose to be on the other side, to see the movie as an art, regardless of the moral values within the movie. To say that this movie is a bad one of course is not true, but to say that it is an extremely good movie is an over-statement. It is good, up to certain aspects. The beginning is beautifully rendered, and will bring back memories to anyone who has been at Belitung Island. The siren sound in the background that signal the end of the work hour sure is a brilliant addition. But then, as the story goes, it looses grasp that has been so well developed in the first 15 minutes. Another weakness is that the producers are not brave enough to take risk to use local talents, they still use movie stars. The 10 local kids that play the central role are showing their talents, and of course they don't have to struggle to speak in local dialect, not like the other movie star. Yes, some of the movie star play their role flawlessly: Robby Tumewu played remarkably well as "baba toko" (Chinese shop owner) to haggle all the time with the buyer, a common sight in Belitung; Slamet Raharjo Jarot also, as a sympathizer of the school. But the other I will rate as average, some even below average. But the central roles I admit are well acted. The main weakness is the ambient of the movie. It lacks sights and sounds that brings the feel of being in Belitung. It focuses too much in the dialog, and miss the important shots that really shows what does it look like being in a small island in Belitung. The only one that gets quite good shots is the shots in the beach, which is beautiful, naturally. The scenario which is based on a best seller novel of the same title also lacks the sense of integrity. It jumps from one scene to another. Yes, it is difficult to transfer the book to movie-script, because the book itself is too fragmented. The writer should be braver to invent new plots, in order to create a wholesome picture. As conclusion, it could have been better, seen from the eye of myself, which has spend my entire childhood in this island.

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