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Little Dead Rotting Hood (2016)

Little Dead Rotting Hood (2016)

Eric BalfourBianca A. SantosRomeo MillerPatrick Muldoon
Jared Cohn


Little Dead Rotting Hood (2016) is a English movie. Jared Cohn has directed this movie. Eric Balfour,Bianca A. Santos,Romeo Miller,Patrick Muldoon are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Little Dead Rotting Hood (2016) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

For years, the old woman in the woods has secretly kept the wolves of the forest at bay. But when the woman dies, the creatures suddenly attack the residents of a nearby small town. As more and more people turn up dead, the townsfolk discover something far more sinister than wolves lurking in the backwoods and fight to save their home from evil by waging a bloody battle against the ruthless creatures. But as the wolves begin to overpower the town, only the woman's granddaughter may have the key to stopping the bloodbath before it's too late.

Little Dead Rotting Hood (2016) Reviews

  • has potential to gather a cult following


    You know those films you watch when your brain needs a rest and you just want something to watch to help pass time and entertain you enough to get through to the end of the film, well add this to that list. a small town finds out that there is sinister activity going on and the town is under threat from wolves, its a decent attempt of a concept film and some scenes are well shot and with a good cast behind it with the likes of Eric Balfour (haven,24,skyline) Patrick Muldoon (starship troopers, stigmata) and Bianca A Santos ( the DUff, Ouija) it should of been much better but unfortunately its not. some action scenes feel like they were shot by someone who is being electrocuted but like i said above if your brain wants a rest then yeah go for this film and with a run time of 88 minutes its just right.

  • Fairly entertaining Werewolf movie


    This plot Oo :-D Lady in the woods passes the crown to her granddaughter to become some kind of Zombie-Vampire-Werewolve-Buffy-Chick, so she can protect the small town from a supernatural evil, the Denmother. Why she had to be dead for that, who knows... It felt like an over-length Buffy episode, and it showed the same trademarks - TV look, effects that change between super bad and surprisingly good, dialogues from hell, and a cast that is fairly talented. Especially Eric Balfour, this good old veteran, does his job just as good as he always does. Bianca A. Santos, the "Red Rotting Hood", did her job well, too. The rest was overacted mostly, but still okay. Some of the Special FX were really bad, like the 3 guys changing into wolves - I've seen this done better by small YouTubers. Some other scenes were really cool though - the director knew what he had to do with a small budget and focused on key scenes done well. A fight in a small town, at night, with lots of trained animals, flame throwers, 30 or more extras, CGI - this is not easy ! The main antagonist effects (don't wanna spoil you guys !) were not state of the art (or time), but still looked good - you needa be fair here, this is not a 200 Million dollar Hollywood movie. Also, finally a horror B-movie without any night scene problems. Not one single time I had to try hard to recognize anything in dark scenes - so, good job from the lighting and camera department ! The dialogues are the biggest weakness of the movie - they were bad, and I mean like, super bad. The actors tried their best, but some lines cannot be delivered in a good way, not even if Meryl Streep would say them. Overall, the movie is totally okay. It is not art, it is not even a good movie in the pure meaning of the word. But it entertained me fairly, and if you look for a "brains out, amusement on" movie, this might be the one for you, especially if you like Werewolves or creature horror in general. There is even a pretty awesome female nudity scene - oh my gosh, was that chick hot. Uff. So, get it, guys, nothing wrong with "Little Dead Rotting Hood", maybe besides the stupid title. In general, I probably would not have taken the Red Riding Hood story as background, it was not needed. But however, again, nothing wrong with it. Have fun, and beware of the Denmother. Maybe keep your dog out of the room, the tons of animal noises might make him nervous ;)

  • Dead and Rotting


    This movie seems much more like a conversation with high/drunk friends that somehow actually got made rather than a realised idea for an actual story. Someone said: "Man there should be a film led by a cool female lead...and she should be like Blade, but also powerful, like a werewolf...and tragic, like she dies...but then she comes back!...So she should be like a vampire, werewolf, zombie chick, but hot, definitely hot...and she should be based on some kick-ass fairy tale babe, like little red riding hood, killing wolves and all that...oh my god! She could kill werewolves!" And then someone else was like: "Done." Unfortunately rather than writing the whole thing while high/drunk so it becomes some crazy, wacky cult classic, they instead sobered up and tried to give some legitimacy to their idea by giving it a serious plot, which becomes ludicrous in conjuncture with such a concept. The actors all trying to play the entire thing straight makes it way more boring and way more unintentionally stupid than it needs to be. Overall this film is simply a 'cool' sounding concept with very little actual entertainment. It comes across as a quick cash grab with an inane plot, although it is filmed well and the actors aren't too bad so it can't be completely condemned. If you just want to turn your brain off then go for it, but even in those regards this film could have exploited its premise to make it a much more enjoyable brainless watch.

  • Good watch


    Simply put... I LIKED this movie. I'm SOOOOO not into horror movies but the action added in to the horror element makes this a very good watch. Not for children, but good story and kept me guessing... who lives? who dies? who's the "badguy?" Nice twist and well put together. Character development and acting definitely on par. Hope there will be a sequel because the possibilities for more development are surely in place, Comics? Novels? Maybe a video game? Nice use of blood and gore and guts (and sex) without taking it to the level of cheesiness. The kind of movie I wish I could produce myself. New word comes out of this... CREXY, ... crazy + sexy = crexy.

  • Solid and enjoyable but flawed werewolf movie


    After a series of savage animal attacks, the sheriff of a small town finds that the town is being invaded by a pack of vicious werewolves that were previously held in control by a powerful werewolf hunter and that a thought-missing townsperson has become the new protector to stop the creatures. For the most part, this was quite an enjoyable and somewhat entertaining effort. A lot of the positives in this one comes from the strong storyline at play here, which brings a modern twist to the werewolf-hunter setup that gets employed here. This one tackles the idea of a supernatural protector coming back from the dead and combating the werewolves attacking people under the guise of her sacrificial offering. Promoting the idea of a cursed bloodline protecting the town and using all sorts of mythical weaponry to do the job which is what has kept them from appearing beforehand gives this a rather intriguing storyline to deal with. That also plays into the films' action scenes of the wolves attacking which has some enjoyable aspects here, from the first wolf attack on the party being held out in the woods where it strikes the lone couple, a later ambush on a couple in their home and the full-on fun of the vigilante crew encountering the creatures out in the woods and realizing their outmatched when she appears to save them at the last possible moment. The few brief encounters around town offers some more fun, while the finale contains several big encounters in the underground caves which has a lot of fun in their battles with the wolf creatures and leading into the wholly exciting take-over of the town as the full-scale creature and it's minions arrive turning this into a fun little massacre sequence. However much fun the rest of the film is, it's still hard to get over its main problem in that the werewolves are merely played by actual wolves and dogs. There's never a sense of this being more than real animals for their scenes which greatly reduces the concept of them being threatening when they look like regular dogs which is the usual problem associated with following that format of the creatures. Not only does it completely undermine the point of using werewolves as the monster when they look nothing like these beings but to then place this as the main source of the film's monster really undermines this one. Coupled with the wholly ridiculous look of the monster make-up and the CGI for the main creature, the werewolves here are wholly underwhelming as a whole. The last flaw is the somewhat flimsy story structure where it tends to go in circles and never really seems to focus itself in any particular way, going back and forth on its story to get to a point that it could've gotten to much easier without wasting time on its secondary storylines. These are what hold this one back the most. Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and a sex scene.

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