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Pump! (2014)

Pump! (2014)

Adhemar AltieriGreg AndersonEdwin BlackDavid Blume
Joshua Tickell,Rebecca Harrell Tickell


Pump! (2014) is a English movie. Joshua Tickell,Rebecca Harrell Tickell has directed this movie. Adhemar Altieri,Greg Anderson,Edwin Black,David Blume are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Pump! (2014) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

PUMP is an eye-opening documentary that tells the story of America's addiction to oil, from its corporate conspiracy beginnings to its current monopoly today, and explains clearly and simply how we can end it and finally win choice at the pump.

Pump! (2014) Reviews

  • Oil addicts anonymous


    Finally a movie that addresses our oil addiction along with solutions to allow the monopoly of big oil to end after two generations. I thought that it was going to be another veiled promo of big oil since an ex-Big oil executive was part of the film. He surprisingly showed signs of being a born again environmentalist. Given the over-all silence and conditioning we have received about it being OK to have a monopoly in our economy it is refreshing that information about the truth of what is going on is complimented by some solutions we can take now. Phil Salt Lake City

  • No Will, No Way


    Greetings again from the darkness. Documentaries with a message are usually most effective when they engage in debate ... share both sides of the argument, if you will. Preaching from a soapbox typically causes the viewer to tune out, and the opportunity is missed. The one exception to this is when the stance is heavily supported with history, facts, data, research and pertinent interviews. Husband and wife co-directors Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell deliver what amounts to a visual thesis on how to break the big oil monopoly. Beginning with a colorful montage of beautiful and colorful automobiles, we are quickly reminded of Americans love of their cars which leads to the addiction to oil. The next 90 minutes provides a trek through the key historical events that led to our oil dependency, and ends with a proposal on how to stop it. The history lesson discusses John D Rockefeller and his Standard Oil monopoly, followed by his political influence to get Prohibition passed. This after Henry Ford called alcohol "the perfect fuel". We then learn of how large companies drove out the trolley system in favor of an interstate freeway system for cars. We re-live the 1973 gas shortage as the Arab countries flexed - or extorted, depending on your take. Jumping to 2008, the surge in oil prices to $147 per barrel is described as the economic earthquake, with the Stock Market crash termed an aftershock. In other words, oil is the foundation of our economy. Today's global market is discussed along with the exponential growth of China's car industry - 15 million cars sold this year. This time-line with specific data leads to the impressive second half of the film ... how to get ourselves out of this mess. For those who say it's foolish to discuss breaking our dependency on oil because it is used in so many other ways, they are missing the point. The cause is less oil dependency for cars, not a total break from it's use in products such as medicines, clothes, plastics, etc. The filmmakers offer the options of both electric cars and alternative fuel sources. Elon Musk's Tesla Motors is briefly discussed, with the acknowledgment that battery technology improvement is vital to the future success of electric cars. A more immediate solution comes in the form of alternative fuels - ethanol and methanol. We see the exceptional strides Brazil has made with strong leadership. We see how our current vehicles already have the capability to run on these biofuels, if not for a simple software adjustment built-in by auto-makers. Nine million flex fuel cars on the road now, and many of these owners remain unaware of their options. Why? Because fueling stations are so tough to come by, as only the most independent of stations are not contractually obligated to big oil companies. The film is exceptionally well researched and the data delivered in an easy to understand format. The Tickell team won the Sundance award for the 2008 documentary Fuel, and their message is even stronger this time out. By the way, Ms. Tickell is a former child actress known as Sam Elliot's daughter in the 1989 Christmas classic Prancer. She and her husband are now renowned environmental activists, and this project is really a call to action ... the choices are available NOW to break the oil monopoly.

  • An illuminating documentary detailing the history of the oil monopoly and what we can do to break this monopoly and put cash back in our wallets


    As an average movie-goer, PUMP grabbed me the instant I sat down and held me still after I left the theater. Though slightly long for a documentary, every minute is relevant and inspiring. This movie is not about political parties or global warming, it is about YOU and ME - the people that make up this beautiful country. The dent that oil prices are leaving in my wallet are devastating and I'm thrilled to see that something is being done about it and that near and long-term alternatives to oil are out there. Please go see this illuminating film - rate it, spread the word, and find out how you can put some cash back in your wallet.

  • A documentary should be written with more impartiality


    The general idea of the movie makes a lot of sense, but I am a Brazilian and what they say about Brazil is so terribly wrong and unreal... Sounds like the former president Lula paid for the movie. Just minutes with false propaganda. I can't tell about all the rest, which as I said makes sense, however, the part that I know about makes me think the whole thing wasn't properly investigated at all. Brazil is in a terrible economic crisis... We could say that the movie is from 2012/2013, when things were a bit better, but even though, the ethanol is far far far away from being a competitor beside gas. It was never Lula's, like the movie makes people think. They say 40% of our population entered in the middle class, but what happened is that the government intentionally changed the measuring, so after Lula, anyone who makes 2,500 USD a year (!) can be considered in middle class. It's just ridiculous... and the producers didn't investigate it. They certainly only heard one side of the story... which is the worst thing a documentarist can do.

  • A Must-See For Anyone Who's Awake and Aware of Oil Reliance in the U.S. and Elsewhere


    Riveting! This film examines the story of oil addiction in America. The question is, do we have a choice of fuel? The purpose of this film is to spread the word that oil is not the only source of fuel for the U.S. I'm guessing parents out there love their cars and know that gas prices are the highest they've been in years. In order to take your child to school, you need to pay and pump expensive gasoline. Or, do you? This film shows that we can have a choice about fuel. Fuel is available that is safer, better for the air and cheaper. Pump proves these ideas with intriguing facts and mind-boggling statistics. This movie's focus is not about which fuel is better. This documentary provides information about alternative fuels such as ethanol, methanol, natural gas and even electric. Each one has its pros and cons, but just being able to have the ability to choose is what moves this production along. We hear extremely intellectual interviews with people who are strong about the subject. My only criticism is that the audience for this film is not young kids. Teens who are driving or those starting driver's education will find this important enough to watch. While I found the subject interesting, I do not think kids from 7 to 13 care about the big oil epidemic. My favorite part is when we see the comparison of air pollution with regular gasoline and methanol, also known as "Wood Alcohol." Dr. Robert Zubrin conducts an experiment where he ignites both fuels. We see that methanol is clean and leaves no residue while gasoline is the opposite. It made me realize what we put in the air every time we run a gasoline engine. My favorite person interviewed is Luiz Inacio Da Sliva, 35th president of Brazil. The movie states, "under Da Sliva's leadership, Brazil's economy grew by the trillions." He did something that no other country has ever done, achieve complete independence from foreign oil. He gave Brazil the choice of gasoline and ethanol. Da Sliva is what you might call a dreamer. He states, "I believe we will conquer this. I believe the world will learn to live without oil." This film wants to expose U.S. citizens to the idea of having a choice. We know that there are other forms of fuel and you might think we would use them. This idea was introduced in 2006 with the "Open Fuel Standard Act." Sadly, it never left a committee for a vote. The reason being, that members of the Congress receive 32 million dollars in campaign contribution from big oil. I give this film 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to 14 to 18-year- olds. This film shows a great message and an even more amazing vision. Reviewed by Keefer B.

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