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Secret Santa (2018)

Secret Santa (2018)

Michael RadyDrew LynchDebra SullivanA Leslie Kies
Adam Marcus


Secret Santa (2018) is a English movie. Adam Marcus has directed this movie. Michael Rady,Drew Lynch,Debra Sullivan,A Leslie Kies are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Secret Santa (2018) is considered one of the best Action,Comedy,Horror,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Christmas dinner brings tidings of death when someone enacts revenge, and out of the bloody madness rises a hero who must face all odds to stop an outbreak before it's too late.

Secret Santa (2018) Reviews

  • Quite Good For What It Is


    Went into this one not expecting much but i actually found myself laughing at at it, along with the gory stuff going on.I'd say it was a Black Comedy/Horror, if you don't like gore, then i would give this one a miss as the gore comes thick and fast but boy, it's funny too.Not going to go into anything that happens in it, just sit down and enjoy the fest.

  • How can you give a - rating


    Watched the film how who why what give this a 5.6 rating I would give it a - 56.6 what a load of b******** bad acting and directing one of the worst films I have ever seen and I have seen some bad ones

  • a christmas party youll never ever forget...if you dare.


    First of all this is an 18+ rated film one the ops-rating scale ,so beware not to show it to your children,wife,husband,granny and great grannys neighbours girlfriend,boyfriend teachers,police,cell-mate or at your x-mas party, because this is the blodiest and most bizarre x-mas party movie that ive seen.. keywords are bad medicine,punch,death ,turkey ,allergies,cell-phones,car keys,gender,half siblings,gifts and party games. its definately not horor,i will rather call it a frightnite bloodyslasher comedy movie. its crazy from start to end,since everybody seems to hate eachother and in the end the last man doesnt stand. howcome i give it a 9??? well its well acted, the dialouges are hammered at eachother without a glitch,the true spirit of hatred shines through all the way, its even comic at some stages,and beware this is not a hallmark movie,more like a hellmarkede one. the last 20 minutes is a true whirl of devastation,wellacted and full of irony,but the lack of selfsensorship makes me feel sick and nearly throw up. its an endearing style of film that entices you with great settings ,music,and makes you feel quite comfortabble,so take this as a warning,do switch to another program when you smell blood,cause there will be more in secret santa. this is a recommendable film ......unfortunately

  • So bad. Just so bad.


    I've never written an IMDB review before but I always had a feeling the time would come when I had to be a good citizen and set off a warning flare. That time is now. This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. As a horror fan I have seen a lot of low calibre productions over the years but this takes the biscuit. I am struggling to find a single redeeming feature...I suppose the acting is just about passable but other than that it's just so so bad. It tries to be funny but misses the mark horribly, the direction is hideously pretentious in trying to be cool and different, and the whole thing looks like it's been filmed on a 2004 camera phone. Oh and I haven't even finished watching it yet, I don't think I'll bother. Merry Xmas.

  • A funny, sick, gory Christmas tale


    Secret Santa is one of the blackest most depraved Christmas flicks I have ever seen and I loved it. If sweet, wholesome tales of Christmas turn your stomach and you're in the mood to both laugh, gag and scream this is your movie. Well cast and well acted, an extended family gathers for a Christmas dinner that you will not easily forget. Obviously low budget, but well written, the insults and plenty of gore fly. Thoroughly enjoyable from beginning to end. My only complaint would be that the cinematography left something to be desired, the film is a bit too high contrast and could have been better lit. Some of the dialogue also could have been better recorded, but it's still a fun ride and not one for children.

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