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Soft Matter (2018)

Soft Matter (2018)

Ruby Lee Dove IIHal SchneiderMary AnzaloneDevyn Placide
Jim Hickcox


Soft Matter (2018) is a English movie. Jim Hickcox has directed this movie. Ruby Lee Dove II,Hal Schneider,Mary Anzalone,Devyn Placide are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Soft Matter (2018) is considered one of the best Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

Two graffiti artists break into an abandoned, reportedly haunted research facility in hopes of creating an art installation, but stumble upon a secret team of demented researchers who are in the process of resurrecting an ancient sea creature - who they now must fight in order to escape alive.

Soft Matter (2018) Reviews

  • I bought this on dvd and watched it streaming. A creative surreal sci fi dream


    Soft Matter was an amazing mix of filmmaking techniques. From the very 80s VHS tape static look in the intro, blinking titles and such, it was an homage to what would be seen in something like an 80s informercial/work instruction/safety science video and the music was very good/retro/comparable to something from Kung Fury. When the film kicks in, the footage changes to high res and looks and though it was shot in 1080p or possibly 4k but I couldn't tell because my tv only displays 1080p. Good camera work. Seems either dolly tracking or a slider was used for some shot and the audio was recorded well. There is one scene in which Kish and Haircut are positioned a good distance away from the camera sitting on a wall and the audio is still very clear so it is clear that the actors had a proper mic nearby, possibly behind them. Part of the reason I am reviewing the film is that I had read a negative review that said it looked like it was shot on a camcorder and the audio levels were off and compared it to a throwaway junk movie. It seems that whoever wrote that review was either just and overly negative person looking for an outlet to express some pent up personal frustration, or had never actually made a movie and did not understand the mechanics of what actually go in to making a film. The camera used obviously had a pro non consumer level manual focus lens which was discernable by the clear focus in the foreground and the blurred background showing proper depth of field. Soft matter also has some comedic animated sequences which were very well done. Lots of bright colors in the movie which I really liked. The story is a bit of a horror sci fi, and is balanced out with some comedic dialogue which helps the film flow along at a nice pace. The creature makeup was also very well done. I would recommend Soft Matter to any fan of indie horror/sci fi.

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