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Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Hindi (1999)

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Hindi (1999)

Ewan McGregorLiam NeesonNatalie PortmanJake Lloyd
George Lucas


Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Hindi (1999) is a English,Sanskrit movie. George Lucas has directed this movie. Ewan McGregor,Liam Neeson,Natalie Portman,Jake Lloyd are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1999. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Hindi (1999) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

The evil Trade Federation, led by Nute Gunray is planning to take over the peaceful world of Naboo. Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi are sent to confront the leaders. But not everything goes to plan. The two Jedi escape, and along with their new Gungan friend, Jar Jar Binks head to Naboo to warn Queen Amidala, but droids have already started to capture Naboo and the Queen is not safe there. Eventually, they land on Tatooine, where they become friends with a young boy known as Anakin Skywalker. Qui-Gon is curious about the boy, and sees a bright future for him. The group must now find a way of getting to Coruscant and to finally solve this trade dispute, but there is someone else hiding in the shadows. Are the Sith really extinct? Is the Queen really who she says she is? And what's so special about this young boy?

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Hindi (1999) Reviews

  • The path of one person: the pool of fear


    "Episode I: The Hidden Menace" is perhaps the most ambiguous film in George W. Lucas's "Star Wars" series. Met by the rather coldly stern gaze of critics, the first film of the new trilogy can cause some confusion in the viewer. There are not many action scenes in it, there are many dialogues and just a leisurely development of actions, which sometimes may seem like a forced filler with a connecting function between fights and races. But this is only at first glance, because if you look closely ... Young Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and his teacher, Qui-Gon Jin (Liam Neeson), go to negotiations with the Trade Federation, which threatens to blockade the peaceful little planet of Naboo. In Obi-Wan's eyes, his mind and vision are already visible, his movements are already full of courage and confidence. Confidence and powerful, unquestioning dedication are seen in the young queen Amidala (Natalie Portman) that she is ready to do anything to help her people, the inhabitants of the occupied world federation. It is in "The Phantom Menace" most accurately and correctly disclose the nature and fragile at the same time in BOGATYRSKY solid Padme: it is able to stand alone against the decision of the Senate, venturing recklessly brave adventures and combine intuitive dictates of the heart with equanimity of mind. Qui-Gon Jin is unshakable and calm, in whatever situation he was. His eyes radiate wisdom and strength, a smile condescendingly reasonable, and the movements are smooth and weighed. But the main feature of Obi-Wan's teacher is not in these, of course, the most important qualities. Qui-Gon, first of all, is a man of exceptional faith. Some of his actions seem too risky and thoughtless, but somewhere in general they can be mistaken for a desperate bluff. But for him, extremely sensitive to everything around him, holding in an unsurpassed harmony the awareness of his own forces and the sense of difficulty of the tasks set, for him, who knows how to feel the situation on many, many forward steps, faith is the main tool. With her help, he stands unshakably on his feet, seeking his own, by all means. Once having set a goal - to certainly train quite a young Anakin Skywalker - Qui-Gon will go to her persistently and steadily. He alone believes in the Prophecy of the great destiny of the boy, as if he did not hear the fears of the Jedi Council that Anakin's uncertain future could pose great troubles to the Galaxy. But the foresight and the unique sense of Qui-Gon's world allow him to see far further than to his eminent like-minded people and mentors, like Master Yoda and Master Windu. In addition, an extraordinary faith allows Qui-Gon to destroy any of his fears and doubts that can obscure his clear eyes. The moment of the film is very important, in which the wise Jedi tells Anakin about the medichlorians, micro-organisms existing in symbiosis with the cells of any living organism. Perhaps, in these mysterious media chlorians lies the human soul, elusive to the eye and non-existent for touch. Then the wise counsel of Qui-Gon Jinn and unselfish greed deprived the boy Anakin Skywalker, wanted to visit every planet in the universe, it seems quite clear and sharp, Go up to the call of the heart, and you go on the right path. And even though this road is lost in the darkness of the gathering clouds, there will always be someone who sees a little farther than everyone else, and builds on this sagacity its most powerful faith. Qui-Gon believed in Anakin from the first second and believed in him to the end; most likely he understood the suffering and upheavals that promised further training of the boy for the Galaxy and for himself, but in one thing he was certain that in the final analysis Skywalker would return the Force to equilibrium ... Finishing on the major note of universal jubilation and festivities, "Episode I: The Hidden Menace" at first glance does not justify its mysterious and menacing title. But, having looked a little closer, we see that the holiday is just a calm before the storm, and a sweet truce is a tricky tactical ploy. It also becomes clear with horror that all the actions of all the heroes are quite comparable with the freedom to choose the actions of puppets tied to strong threads, for which someone is confidently pulling, able to control the movements of dolls by the easy fingering. And the violent protest of Padme Amidaly at the Senate meeting, and the murder of the mighty Darth Moule, and the fiasco of the Trade Federation, and the heroic death of Qui-Gon Gin, are all foggings in the plan of the mysterious strategist who is still hiding far from the battlefields, its galactic war. And Anakin Skywalker's aching lead heart, which is filled with a burning, drying fear after the death of a Jedi so much loved by him, also lies in a small coin, albeit of a larger value than the rest, on a comprehensive battle map of the devilish clever and cunning puppeteer. The beginning of the saga is laid, the heroes are represented, the plot knots are tied. Star Wars Beginning

  • A perspective after all the hype has died down


    Lucas may have problems as a director and writer, but I've always thought that those flaws are balanced by his great storytelling ability. The problem with "The Phantom Menace" is that he simply has no story to tell. The film merely adds an introductory chapter to a story that has already been told, and stretches it out into a two-hour movie. It is no accident that prequels of this kind are rare. They are very difficult to make properly. And apparently he's just not a sophisticated enough filmmaker to pull it off. For one thing, this project is limited by the fact that anyone familiar with the first trilogy knows the story's outcome, and it therefore lacks some of the suspense associated with a gradually unfolding saga. More importantly, however, this situation leaves Lucas with very little freedom as a storyteller. It also encourages him to gloss over key events; because their outcome is a foregone conclusion, he forgets to bring them to life. For example, we know there will eventually be a romance between Anakin and Padme. So Lucas has the two characters meet here and--surprise, surprise--they seem to like each other. Their developing friendship isn't portrayed that clearly, and their motivations for becoming close aren't explained. Because Lucas fails to make scenes like these believable, we can't help being conscious of how he's manipulating the plot in his effort to connect the two trilogies. Another good example of this problem is Anakin's portrayal as a potential Jedi. There doesn't appear to be anything about this kid remotely out of the ordinary, even though the other characters keep talking like there is. Our only reason for thinking he's special is that the plot requires it. If the story fails to be engaging, it is because we never see the important events. Lucas makes a fatal error in not showing what's happening on Naboo, the small planet whose capture is the focus of the plot. Numerous atrocities are supposedly being committed against the planet's inhabitants, but we only know about this because the characters on screen refer to the events, usually rather woodenly. The deadpan performances are a problem in themselves, but they only highlight our lack of involvement in the story. Think of Han Solo sweating in fear, then think of the emotional vacuums passing for characters in this film. Whenever any of the characters do express emotion, as in the scene where Anakin and his mom part, it still seems awfully restrained. Somehow, Lucas manages to keep the emotional reactions of his characters to a minimum, which gives the film an almost mechanical feel. It's true that "A New Hope" never showed Alderaan's inhabitants, but we still could feel the tragedy of the planet's destruction through the horrified reactions of Princess Leia and Obi Wan. Moreover, there were many other involving events which we witnessed directly, such as the slaying of rebels at the beginning; the capture and torture of the princess; and the murder of Luke's foster parents. Furthermore, the major plot elements were intriguing in and of themselves. They weren't there merely to show us how they were to be linked to later events, which seems to be the case with the new film. I suspect that Lucas was not as concerned in the first trilogy with what had to happen later in the story and was therefore able to focus his attention on the events at hand. The weakest segment was "Return of the Jedi," which had the task of bringing the story to an end. Only then did Lucas start to show signs of forcing plot points. In "The Phantom Menace," he gets so bogged down in the task of bringing his story from point A to point B that he ends up with only the bare bones of a plot, and none of it comes alive. This is especially true of the characterization. In the old trilogy, characters like Yoda and Han reveal distinct personalities in their first few minutes on screen. This film goes for more than two hours and the characters, including the familiar ones, come off vague and nondescript. We aren't given much of a chance to experience their personalities in the way they interact. We must take Qui Gon's word for it when he describes Obi Wan as "headstrong." What's most odd is that the cartoons seem better developed than the humans. The scenes where Qui Gon negotiates with the birdlike slave-owner Watto are amusing and well-done--probably the movie's best scenes aside from the stunning action sequences--but they can't hold a candle to the constant interactions throughout the first trilogy. One thing I cannot do is accuse the film of lacking creativity. The design of the creatures, the technologies, and the planets is impressive. Watching the film is sort of like reading a children's book that isn't very good but abounds with beautiful illustrations. There is certainly a "wow" factor in the movie's visuals, but the effect of it is short-lived. I get irked when I hear fans talk as though the "Star Wars" movies were never about anything beyond special effects. While the inventive visuals are part of what made the originals so revolutionary, they're not what made the films so fun to watch. And in no way can they explain the trilogy's continuing popularity today. After all, many of the original effects look primitive by today's standards, and their novelty has certainly worn off. Only an enduring and compelling storyline could have allowed the first three films to become the classics they're almost universally acknowledged to be.

  • recently rewatched and it's a pretty decent story


    I recently rewatched everything Star Wars including this, the Clone Wars cartoons etc. In preparation for seeing The Force Awakens. Well for someone who wasn't a huge fan of this initially I made a few discoveries and in light of the Force Awakens this movie is a cinematic masterpiece. The story is really quite original (except for that main reactor bit). I really quite liked it and the politics is easier to follow after a few viewings. I remember being quite shocked when I found out the 'queen' wasn't always who we thought. The sets and costumes are really beautiful. JarJar isn't really that bad, let's face it he's there to keep kids happy and that's OK isn't it? Obi-Wan is great, I really liked seeing him younger. I did feel quite sorry for Anakin this time around and I think the actor did quite well with the material he had. Yes this movie has it's issues, it can be slow at times and the bit about Midichlorians still makes me cringe but at least it's original and had a story to tell. It does remind me that Star Wars was really Anakin's story told in 6 parts. The newest 7th 'instalment' is reductive and undoes a lot of the history. Star Wars finished with return of the Jedi and most certainly after George Lucas left. the new Disney stuff has no heart. Please come back George.

  • The Beginning of the Star Wars Saga Introduces a Vivid New Universe and Celebrates the Innocent Fun of Star Wars, Despite Its Flaws


    While it received generally positive reviews upon its release, and captured the imaginations of an entire generation of younglings, The Phantom Menace has garnered an almost toxic reputation on the internet in the years since. Sure, it's not a perfectly structured film, and yes, there are more than a few dopey decisions, but the sheer spectacle and sense of fun in Star Wars: Episode I cannot be denied. George Lucas' return to a galaxy far, far away is a triumph of creative vision. A movie that overcomes any and all of its narrative deficiencies through the pure drive of its creator to wow, thrill, and inspire. The Phantom Menace is chapter one of the Star Wars Saga, and it feels very much like the beginning of a larger story. It introduces all of the important players in the saga, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Jedi Council, and Anakin Skywalker, the tragic hero who we know will one day become the legendary Darth Vader. On a micro level, the plot revolves around an intergalactic trade war that leads to tensions between the Trade Federation and the inhabitants of the peaceful, Garden of Eden-like planet called Naboo. Jedis Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), and Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson), are sent as peacekeepers to protect the planet's leader, Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman) from the evil Trade Federation and the ancient Sith Lord, Darth Maul, one of the most frightening and iconic characters ever to come out of the Star Wars universe. The Trade Federation plot does not have the same level of buoyant escapism as the originals', but it's not far off. The politics are kept at a minimum, and they only serve to create bad guys for our heroes to fight. The more important element of Episode I's story is the extended introduction of young Anakin Skywalker to this new Star Wars universe. The most interesting beats of the story center around Anakin and his mother, and The Jedi council's trepidation regarding the boy Qui-Gon suspects is the Chosen One. You get the sense that there is something special, yet sinister about the young podracing phenom from Tatooine. It's a great aspect of the film that largely goes unrecognized. None of the pieces of the plot really mean much for the prequel trilogy's overarching story of the downfall of Anakin Skywalker, but The actual conflict of Episode I is largely unimportant. At it's core, The Phantom Menace serves as a feature length introduction to George Lucas' new (old) Star Wars Universe. Episode I is the prologue to the Saga, telling a simple story that puts the pieces in place for later films while still standing on its own. On that level, it's kind of brilliant. Lucas takes a universe that was, as sweeping as it felt, still confined to a small collection of characters, and tears the lid off. The Phantom Menace does more to create a fictional history and detailed lore for the Star Wars universe than any other film. All of a sudden, this universe was no longer just a backdrop for the characters to play around in. It became a real place, with real politics, history, tradition, and age-old myths of its own. Remarkable if you ask me. Next to their storytelling, Star Wars movies have always been known for their special effects. With 16 years between movies, George Lucas' ILM team had the chance to perfect all of their award-winning visual effects, and perfect they did. Incorporating a litany of techniques from miniatures and animatronics to innovative use of CGI, The Phantom Menace is a breathtaking film to look at. Every single shot of The Phantom Menace is a work of art, and the sheer amount of imagination put into the world is worthy of praise. From the environments to the vehicles, the costumes, and the creatures, everything in this universe is unique, and ILM and company craft them with an unrivaled eye for detail. So strong is Lucas' vision of this world, that the plotting and dialogue are almost unnecessary. The visual storytelling of The Phantom Menace is that uncommonly strong. That expert craftsmanship extends to the action sequences. George Lucas' strengths as an editor and technician translate to more than a few show-stopping set-pieces. My favorite of which is young Anakin's bid for freedom, a kinetic and thrilling race across the vast deserts of Tatooine. The Podrace is a visually stunning and genuinely tense showcase of absolute speed. It still remains one of the most fun sequences in recent movie history. The same goes for the climactic three-way lightsaber duel at the end of the film. With brilliant visual effects, fast-paced and furious choreography, and a euphoric sense of scope, it brought something brand new to the Star Wars Universe, large-scale lightsaber duels. The battles, both in space and on land, stand out as old-fashioned, innocent fun. Despite a few silly moments, they tap into that Saturday matinee spectacle that resonates with the kid in us all. I love The Phantom Menace, despite its quirks. The script is clunky, especially in the first act where the plot seems to spin its wheels. There are slow moments and plenty of silly gags that fall flat. But my God, this movie is fun to watch! The visual splendor, the larger-than-life action set-pieces, the grand fun of the whole thing, The Phantom Menace is irresistible entertainment. An event movie with this kind of innocent charm is something unique in Hollywood, and that child-like earnestness is what makes this movie particularly endearing for me. The Phantom Menace might be different from the original trilogy in certain aesthetics, but importantly, not in feel. For the majority of this movie's runtime, it exudes the same brand of vibrant movie magic that made A New Hope a beloved classic. I won't call TPM a classic. I have my hangups with it, but I personally cannot bring myself to dislike this movie. Star Wars: Episode I works as an introduction to a brand new world, and as a stand-alone adventure that celebrates the innocent fun of the Original Star Wars. 86/100

  • This scapegoat of a movie definitely needs more appreciation.


    I loved this movie as a kid. I still love it at age 21. Sure, it can be a bit sloppy at times, and it switches from plot a to plot b constantly.The stereotypes can be jarring at times. But you know what, it is still brilliant. The characters are likable. Even jar jar is not that bad. The acting is OK. Not great, but OK. The hate seems to stem from old trilogy fans, not knowing that this film was merely trying to be something different. Yes, if you want a film that feels like the old trilogy, this is not for you. But if you are looking for a fast-paced, lighthearted sci-fi action movie with one or two smart scenes, good scenery, and interesting alien designs, then this is for you.

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