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Suicide Club (2010)

Suicide Club (2010)

Klaus Dieter BangeHildegard SchroedterKatja GötzMathieu Süsstrunk
Olaf Saumer


Suicide Club (2010) is a German movie. Olaf Saumer has directed this movie. Klaus Dieter Bange,Hildegard Schroedter,Katja Götz,Mathieu Süsstrunk are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2010. Suicide Club (2010) is considered one of the best Adventure,Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

At sunrise five people meet on a high-rise rooftop in order to leap to their deaths. Five completely different mind sets. None of them knows about the other as to why they want to terminate their lives so abruptly. They don't even know each others names. The only bond that ties them together in a tragic and bizarre way is knowing that at any minute they are about to jump. But a chain reaction of absurd situations is unfolding forcing them to spend a whole day waiting up on the roof until sundown. They are stranded on an island, their own parallel universe surrounded by and cut off from the hustle of the city. Initial dislike and rejection of one another eventually turns into an unforeseen alliance. All five of them experience a day they won't ever forget.

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Suicide Club (2010) Reviews

  • Kudos for trying


    I don't think there will be much surprises, at least not for what it's aiming at. I don't think that people who watch the first 10 minutes of the movie, will not know where this is heading. But it's about the journey and not about the goal. And the journey is a quite decent one, if you think about it. It's nicely acted, there are nice points along the way, good story moments here and there and the weird moment occasionally. While mostly it plays at one location, it does have to offer a few other things. Still you will not get any great visuals, if you are looking for some. I think that this would work better as a book (maybe it is/was already one?), but the makers of the movie did a nice job, if you like this sort of movies

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