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The Saint (2017)

The Saint (2017)

Adam RaynerEliza DushkuIan OgilvyJames Remar
Ernie Barbarash


The Saint (2017) is a English movie. Ernie Barbarash has directed this movie. Adam Rayner,Eliza Dushku,Ian Ogilvy,James Remar are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. The Saint (2017) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Crime movie in India and around the world.

International master thief, Simon Templar, also known as The Saint, is tasked to find a man's kidnapped daughter. In addition to evading the authorities, Simon must face a dangerous adversary from his past.

The Saint (2017) Reviews

  • Ruined a classic


    Absolute rubbish. I endured 20 minutes of this tripe before I wanted to wash my eyes and brain with bleach. Poor acting combined with cheap looking sets and filming doth make a bad rehash. This film (and I use the term lightly) is a huge GAPING blemish on the name The Saint. It's like someone thought it would be a great idea to do Carry On The Saint, bad lines / stupid 'jokes' delivered in abysmal style means I couldn't take this effort even vaguely serious. So much so I just HAD to come comment on just how bad it was and I don't post often. Generally only when something has affected me right to the core with just how bad it actually is. Avoid if you even saw one episode of the original as it will ruin it for you, forever (as it actually has Roger Moore (who hasn't aged well) in it, I presume to try and add some validity to it). If you have no idea what the original The Saint is and are looking for a crappy action film with juvenile one liners then, well, maybe still avoid unless it was free and you having nothing better to do. Although even watching dry paint would be preferable in my opinion. It is The Saint by name only, sadly.

  • Another saint


    The Saint was intended to be a relaunched television series starring Adam Rayner as Simon Templar. A few years after the initial pilot, there were some additional footage shot to turn it into a feature length direct to pay TV release. Simon Templar also known as The Saint is called on by a man who has robbed billions for the shadowy organisation he works from a poor African nation. The man works for the Fixer (Ian Ogilvy) who is most unhappy that his right hand man has grown a conscious, he wants the money back and so he has kidnapped his daughter. Templar has to find his daughter as well as evading an FBI agent who is determined to track him down. However when Templar sees a certain ring, it brings back memories of the past and a betrayal by someone he was once close to. Ever since the interminably dull Simon Dutton television movies from 1989, the reputation of The Saint on screen has suffered. The viewer wants something more than just a posh gentleman but slightly shady adventurer who comes to the rescue of a damsel in distress in some exotic location. This film has extensive location shooting and still at times looks cheap with green screen. Rayner seems to get there as Templar at the end, it helps that he seems comfortable with some of the action footage. However the story is just workmanlike and generic. The film has the gimmick of actually having the Three Saints. Ogilvy plays the villain with some links to the Knights Templar and he certainly seems to be enjoying himself. The late Sir Roger Moore pops up as well giving his successor, Ogilvy a telling off.

  • Return of the Saint


    First of all let me start by saying i think the really bad reviews on this are a little uncalled for. I actually enjoyed it and it was good to see Roger Moore the original saint in it if only for 1 minute, and Ian Ogilvie who played the return of the Saint in a more substantial role' Give it a try and judge the movie for yourselves, don't take my word or anyone else's word.

  • It Tries But Never Gets There


    This movie had potential to be good, but fell short. It tried in numerous occasions to lift its game but with low budget looking sets, questionable dialog, sketchy editing, accompanied with generic background music, sees this movie dragged back down. I think the two main actors - Adam Rayner & Eliza Dushku - did a reasonable enough job, but some of the supporting cast are left wanting. I would love to see a modern take of The Saint that befits the original, but sadly this movie isn't it. Having said that, they classed this as a TV Movie which is appropriate since this feels like a two TV episodes in one.

  • Hard to get The Saint right


    To know The Saint one must be truthful to the source material. The Saint as a character is brash, abrasive, annoyingly intelligent, and driven by a set a principals to do the right thing, even if "right" in any given instance is stealing, murder, or any other action that on the outside is technically a crime. "The ends justifies the means" is a kind of MO for The Saint, which creates a sort of dilemma - especially in the west - where we tend to regard all individuals - good and bad - to be subject to the same rules. But, is it really a crime if the subject had it coming to them? Such is life of The Saint - getting rich while sticking it to the bad guy. Or saving the girl. Or righting the wrong. Or insert cliché' here. Fun stuff all around. Unfortunately, most of the texture of The Saint is lost in attempts to portray him just as a lovable, quip-flinging, thief. A sort of James Bond type who always has something witty to say at the right moment. Anyone who has read any of the Charteris novels would strongly disagree. Which brings us to this latest attempt to put Saint on film. All the elements are there but watered down and cliché'd to the point of atrophy. Although this is the most lovingly adaptation attempt since the Roger Moore days. In short, I like this Saint, but the film won't get out of it's own way. There's been a strong push in Hollywood in recent decades to use technology as a panacea to whatever problem the antagonist might come across. Sixteen-inch steel vault door? No problem - just hack that sucker and in you go. It gets real old real fast. We want to see our heroes solve problems, not have them solved for them by inexplicable (and non-existent) technology. In the days of the original Saint - the 1920's and 1930's - you still had to do real detective work to solve mysteries. Now all one needs is a tablet and a wifi connection and you can tell everything about anything anytime anywhere. Where's the fun in that? So far as this film is concerned, this Simon Templar is more like the real Saint since Roger Moore - so watch it for that. Otherwise - or in addition to - go find a copy of Meet the Tiger and enjoy the real Saint.

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