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Tripping Forward (2009)

Tripping Forward (2009)

William Gregory LeeChris FoglemanAngela KinseyChris Chauncey
Marcus Nash


Tripping Forward (2009) is a English movie. Marcus Nash has directed this movie. William Gregory Lee,Chris Fogleman,Angela Kinsey,Chris Chauncey are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. Tripping Forward (2009) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Ford Coleman is a struggling actor in Hollywood who fears never achieving fame other then appearing in local TV commercials. After over a year living in L.A., Ford is broke and in danger of being evicted from his apartment. His slacker roommate Tripp, who has given up his music career out of hopelessness, convinces Tripp to become a drug dealer to buy and sell cocaine to supermodels as their extra income, which brings both Ford and Tripp into danger as they venture into the Los Angeles underworld which also puts a risk on Ford's budding romance with Gwen, a struggling actress herself unaware of Ford's secret arrangement with Tripp.


Tripping Forward (2009) Trailers

Tripping Forward (2009) Reviews

  • Not an Eight


    The Plot. Ford Coleman is a struggling actor in Hollywood who fears never achieving fame other then appearing in local TV commercials. After over a year living in L.A., Ford is broke and in danger of being evicted from his apartment. His slacker roommate Tripp, who has given up his music career out of hopelessness, convinces Tripp to become a drug dealer to buy and sell cocaine to supermodels as their extra income, which brings both Ford and Tripp into danger as they venture into the Los Angeles underworld which also puts a risk on Ford's budding romance with Gwen, a struggling actress herself unaware of Ford's secret arrangement with Tripp. The ONE review on IMDb (an 8!!!!!) was written by a guy who joined IMDb JUST to write this review! He never reviewed another movie meaning he worked on the film. So when I put the film on, I was expecting garbage. It's better than that! Firstly, it's a real movie in that it had a decent budget so it looks good. And they were able to get unknowns who can at least act a bit. The story is rather predictable and there are a couple of points where it's just too silly. BUT, it is way better than I thought it would be. Just not an eight by any stretch of the imagination. Midway...just as you are about to lose interest, the hot babes hit the screen. But it's short lived. And therein lies the problem with this movie. It needed way more T&A to make it palatable. Once the babes are gone so is the movie. It becomes slow and drawn out. Too bad.

  • Fun little film


    Tripping Forward, a profanity laced and drug induced comedy, proves to be a nice little "diamond in the rough". Sure the film has a few flaws that are typical of a movie made for less than a million dollars (not to mention what appears to be a total lack of a marketing campaign) and the constant profanity may turn some off as well but in the end the film has enough simplistic charm, stylized cinematography, witty dialog, and a quick enough pace to be more than likable. **SPOILER ALERT** Two buddies (one a frustrated actor, the other a failed musician) struggling to make ends meet take drastic actions to pay their bills by selling cocaine at an enormous profit. **END OF SPOILER** It actually seems like two movies. The first half is more character driven and the humor is a little esoteric to the "Hollywood crowd". The second half is more plot driven and the humor broadens out enough to be more appreciated by the general public (non-Hollywood types). William Gregory Lee is good for a few laughs as the crazed, coked up goofball roomie and Ed Begley Jr. is devilishly delightful as an eccentric acting coach. While most of the other characters that come in and out of this film are also a bit "over the top", ultimately the grounded, understated performance by Chris Fogelman gives Tripping Forward its heart. His acting chops are especially on display in the second half where he carries this movie to the finish line. It's a quick, fun little stylized film that doesn't meander or take itself too seriously and with some genuine laugh-out loud moments. A 90 minute party headed for cult status? I think so. 8 out of 10....


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