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Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2009)

Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2009)

Oliver JamesKristopher TurnerRik YoungMadison Riley
Ellory Elkayem


Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2009) is a English movie. Ellory Elkayem has directed this movie. Oliver James,Kristopher Turner,Rik Young,Madison Riley are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2009) is considered one of the best Adventure,Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Zach and Ben have been best buddies since they were in grade school. They were those "two guys" that we all know, opposites, but still the same kid. Their friendship continued through High School. Zach continually got them in trouble due to his carefree existence, and Ben was oblivious to everything as he became smitten by the girl of his dreams. Just as Ben got the nerve to pursue her, she moved out of the neighborhood, leaving Ben devastated for many years to come. Twelve years later, Ben & Zach, now in their mid-20's, still close friends, but have drifted apart due to making different choices in life. Ben is overworked and doesn't spend time doing the things he loves. He buries himself day and night in his work at a law firm. The only thing outside of work Ben has focused on is his life-long crush on the girl he met years ago in high school. Zach, an easy-going guy who enjoys everything he does, happily spends his days taking care of the elderly at a nursing home. Zach's only ...

Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2009) Reviews

  • By far not the worst movie ever


    Nobody is gonna see this review since this is an older movie that everybody hated but here are my thoughts anyway. Without a Paddle Nature's Calling is an unnecessary sequel to 2004's Without a Paddle. This movie is kind of like a comedy version of a Sci- fi channel original. It's terrible, stupid, and pretty entertaining. Basically the plot of this movie is 3 guys go on an adventure to find hot blonde girl number 3 and ridiculous things follow including bad cgi squirrels and generic villains. If you don't have anything better to do at 2 in the morning this this movie is a solid entertaining option just don't expect an Oscar worthy film. Like I said this movie is like a comedy version of a sci-fi original so of course the acting is nothing special. The writing is... something I really don't know what else to say about it. So overall Without a Paddle Nature's Calling is a terribly entertaining movie. I would give this movie a 5.5/10 but since IMDb won't let me do that I'm giving Without a Paddle Nature's Calling a 7/10 because haters gonna hate. Don't listen to all the complaints from people who apparently expected an amazing movie just get a few friends together with some beer and enjoy yourselves.

  • Not good at all


    Being a teen I thought this movie would be hilarious but I was wrong.Like others have said I enjoyed the first movie but this has to be the worse sequel I have ever seen.... I guess I have to say that no other movies are as funny as Superbad but there are still funny movies but this is clearly not one of them Do not waste your time! I usually sit through movies and do not complain but there was nothing good in this movie at all. The acting was not horrible but the plot had nothing and there was no excitement! Ido not think I laughed during this film once.I would have turned it off but paying $5 to rent it I was finishing it!

  • A Rating of One Because There's Nothing Lower


    Even a bad comedy can be good sometimes. Not this one though - not even close. Terrible story, terrible cinematography, terrible continuity, terrible casting. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Oh - and please - was there not one Canadian any where near the shooting of this film to teach the director that Canadians do not talk as though they were portrayed in this movie. The use of the sound "eh" and the 'sayings' (like "Holy Halifax") were contrived and - well, okay, I'm going to use a bad word: stupid. It was so annoying and so ridiculous, it was hard to even get close to the end without eye rolling and chucking popcorn at the screen. Is it really so challenging to portray a Canadian? After all, we are America's closest and largest neighbour and have thousands of Canadians working in Hollywood alone. This wasn't funny, it was lazy writing and unacceptable. I'll be sure to avoid anything with these actors and directors in the future.

  • Boring and lifeless


    While the first movie wasn't all that entertaining - it was passable, this doesn't come close to it what-so ever. Dialoge is poor, setting is not to full effect, story is lame, casting is all wrong, nothing in this is memorable. The squirrel sequence is just retarded and it's subplots are just as stupid. I saw this free and was glad that I didn't pay for it. It saved me the cost of a rental, but regardless is was still lifeless and bring. Not even the two eco-chicks were from the first movie - which I guess is a good thing... Who thought of this story as something to produce is severely looking to get fired. Soundtrack didn't offer anything either. If you liked the first Without A Paddle, you should leave it at that and forget about this one, because you will enjoy this. Nothing really works in this. It's just a mess of sub-stories that were mishmash-ed together to put together a sub par script that is not funny or entertaining. There is a reason that this went straight to video...because it would not have lasted 2 weeks in a theater. It's poorly developed - even the sound nature effects are over done. The continuity is atrociously horrible as is the timing and looping. Save your money, save your time...go to sleep instead.

  • Somebody should have told em that to shoot a sequel you need a new script


    This movie is a sequel to "without a paddle" from 2004 which was a good movie for some brainless fun you sometimes need. This movie is exactly the same, no really. (So good for some brainless fun) Okay there are a few differences: instead of three friends there are two and a guy who joins in (which makes three), Instead of a six-pack they bring two kegs, instead of a bear there are squirrels (no really...), instead of a canoe there is a raft and instead of two criminal hillbillies it are two convicts. but for the rest? there is the waterfall, the drifted apart friendship and quest they set out on, two hippie girls in a tree house,a river and the lot. the makers of this movie where extremely lazy, so lazy in fact that they used the exact same script twice. If you saw the first movie there is no need to see this one as well. shame on the makers of this movie!

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