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You've Got Mail (1998)

You've Got Mail (1998)

Tom HanksMeg RyanGreg KinnearParker Posey
Nora Ephron


You've Got Mail (1998) is a English movie. Nora Ephron has directed this movie. Tom Hanks,Meg Ryan,Greg Kinnear,Parker Posey are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1998. You've Got Mail (1998) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Romance movie in India and around the world.

This sweet romantic comedy reunites Sleepless In Seattle stars Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. He's the owner of a bookstore chain; she's the woman he falls for online. Both are unaware that she runs the little shop his company is trying to shut down.

You've Got Mail (1998) Reviews

  • You've got something most of us like


    Romantic comedies are not everyone's cup of tea; after all, who would want to watch unrealistic stories about ordinary people 'coupling' when we are offered such wonderful everyday experiences as ten car pileups, hordes of people being slaughtered in a hail of bullets while shopping, goblins, explosions, vampires and intergalactic spaceships? But the majority of women, and many of those men who do not see themselves as the Governor of California will surely find much to like in this charming eye-moistener. Tales of this ilk can easily be mawkish, but this one largely avoids the trap, thanks to an intelligent script, the believability of the lead pair (as well as the supporting cast) and good pacing that leaves the denouement until the closing shot.

  • A pleasant little romantic comedy


    I really liked the original better - 1940's "The Shop Around the Corner". However, for a modern romantic comedy this one hits the spot. It alters the means of communication between the mismatched couple to email from letters. This film has Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) as the heir to a Borders-like bookstore empire whose family is opening a new store near his pen pal Kathleen Kelly's (Meg Ryan) small children's' bookstore. It is the same as its predecessor in that the pen pals actually know each other and do not like each other. It alters the basis of the disagreement to be that of Fox's big impersonal business delivering goods at a discount with the price being a largely anonymous and unknowledgeable retail staff versus Kelly's personal service and first editions that carries a large price tag for the paying customers. It turns out that, even in Manhattan, people prefer to buy discount with the result being the end of Kathleen's store. The movie keeps things interesting with several little side stories and unanswered questions. Did Joe's grandfather ever date Kathleen's mother? Did Kathleen's employee Birdie (Jean Stapleton) have an affair with Francisco Franco in her youth? Why and how did Birdie decide to buy all of that Intel stock? Then there is the whole issue of Joe's serially monogamous dad (Dabney Coleman) that plays out quite humorously and the fact that Joe has an aunt that is thirty years younger than he is. Considering Joe's mother had to be a victim of his father's philandering at some point, Joe seems to take his dad's personal habits quite casually. A very moving addition to this version of the story is Kathleen's identification of the store with her mother to the point that, when the store does finally close, she considers it to be much like her mother dying all over again. The only thing that really bothered me was the issue of Joe and Kathleen seeking other relationships while seriously involved with other people to the point of living with them and not letting on that there was anything amiss. This seemed a bit underhanded on both their parts and somewhat undermined their likability, at least to me. Now I wrote the paragraphs above several years ago. The technology was relevant to the year it was made -1997. Of course today, everybody would be texting one another, and Joe's bookstore would probably be just as extinct as Kathleen's since Amazon managed to put not just the independent bookstores out of business, but big brick and mortar chains like Border's. Of course, that is not the point of the film. The point is love finding two people who on the surface seem completely mismatched in every way, and who, on top of that, are competitors.

  • Unbelievable film! Such a warmth and happiness!


    I'm from Germany and I love this film! It makes me happy to just watch it! When watching this film one comes to think why in real life such beauty in words and moments can't be achieved! The film does'nt get boring, even if watched for the 23rd time! It's pure magic - you could endlessly listen to the conversations, the beautiful music and enjoy the excellent acting! Other films try to come in too trendy with freaky music and sexual content(not that there's anything wrong with that) - but it's not a feelgood movie! Besides the puns and the lovely warm hearted atmosphere does the rest! To everyone who hasn't yet seen this movie - rent it, buy it - enjoy it!

  • One of the most romantic movies I've ever seen!!!


    I've been starved for a great romantic film and YOU'VE GOT MAIL more than sated my appetite! I'd rank it right up there with CASABLANCA as one of the most romantic movies of all time. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan have more chemistry than a High School Science Department! This movie was warm, funny, smart, and sexy. Tom and Meg light up the screen and Tom Hanks is the perfect hero! The movie was 2 hours long, felt like 10 minutes, and I didn't want it to be over! This is a definite keeper, and I can't wait for it to come out on video so I can watch it again and again!

  • "Chemistry, likeable characters make this film work"


    In films like You've Got Mail, where you can almost predict how it's going to turn out as soon as the opening credits appear, then it is up to the writers, director, and actors, to get us to enjoy the journey to the end credits. Nora and Delia Ephron's script succeeds because they know their characters well, and give them a can't miss plot device. Tom Hanks is believable as the head of a gigantic bookstore chain, as is Meg Ryan as the owner of a small children's bookstore shop. As the guy who is putting Meg out of business by opening a chain store close to her little shop, Tom Hanks character comes across as the arrogant person who only goal seems to open as many bookstores as he can, and make as much money as he can in doing so. When he is talking to Meg Ryan on the internet, we see another side of him, and learn that possibly, he's not the evil guy you think he is. Of course, in person, Meg hates him for what he is doing, on the internet, she falls in love with him. This is what makes the film work, as their reaction to each other in person is completely different from when they talk on line. Some people may quibble that the ending is not very believable, but face it, do you fall in love with a person because of who they are, or what you think they are? I think this question is answered quite adequately.

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