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Wong ga si je IV: Jik gik jing yan (1989)

Wong ga si je IV: Jik gik jing yan (1989)

Cynthia KhanDonnie YenMichael WongYat Chor Yuen
Woo-Ping Yuen


Wong ga si je IV: Jik gik jing yan (1989) is a Cantonese movie. Woo-Ping Yuen has directed this movie. Cynthia Khan,Donnie Yen,Michael Wong,Yat Chor Yuen are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1989. Wong ga si je IV: Jik gik jing yan (1989) is considered one of the best Action,Comedy,Crime movie in India and around the world.

Two detectives who are up to their necks in trouble and in each other's face, as they try to shut down a drug-trafficking scheme that could be connected with international ties to organized crime. But in the mist of their investigation, innocent immigrant dock worker Luk Wan-Ting gets caught up in the mix when he witnesses the murder of an intelligence operative and is framed for the crime. After escaping police custody and after his friend is brutally killed by hired assassins in search of a film negative that Luk lost, he has no choice but to return to Hong Kong until the heat cools off. Donny and Penny Yeung are called in to extradite him with the aid of Captain Michael. Penny believes that Luk is innocent and tries to do everything in her power to help him, while Donny who is skeptical about Luk's innocence, thinks he's guilty and does his best to snap the cuffs on him. As the two do more investigating, they learn that the drug cartel could have connections with rogue C.I.A. ...

Wong ga si je IV: Jik gik jing yan (1989) Reviews

  • A sublime classic for more than just the action


    Between 1984 and 1991, after the demise of the traditional kung fu film, and before things really started going downhill with excessive wire-work, Hong Kong action movies moved through a kick-boxing phase which introduced more pragmatic fighting but retained some old-school sensibilities. Of all the films produced in these five/six years "Witness: ITLOD 4" is hands down the best. Here's my reasons why: On top of the best action you will ever see, there are also the qualities to the film I have listed above. This all results in a quite extraordinary film with a very distinctive feel and ambiance. It's strange - I've never experienced the same kind of quality with any other Hong Kong film. When I first showed this to friends they demanded repeat viewings - it's like a roller-coaster ride that leaves you craving yet another adrenalin rush.

  • To say it is action packed is an understatement.


    Great addition to the series. The film opens in Seattle where, after meeting Cynthia in the obligatory opening kung fu scene, an innocent dockworker, Luk, accidentally runs across some corrupt CIA agents making a double-cross for a secret film negative. In a Hitchcockian twist, the negative is thought to be in the Luk's hands, when it actually has rolled into the water. Of course, no one believes the unlucky Luk doesn't have the film negative- not the CIA and not Donnie Yen, Michael Wong, or Cynthia, the cops on the case, who export Luk back to China. It is early on that Donnie is established as the hot tempered one, Cynthia is just Cynthia, and after playing a good guy in Royal Warriors (In the line of Duty 1) Michael Wong clearly is playing the good looking, but underhanded bad cop in league with the corrupt CIA. Despite trying to wine and dine Cynthia, she suspects Michael is a turncoat, and it takes awhile, and a lot of action for her to convince Donnie that Michael, his friend, is bad. All the while, they have to deal with protecting poor Luk from the renegade CIA agents at every corner. The action (thanks to the great Yuen Woo Ping) is typical of the series, inventive and brutal, but what sets this one apart is the sheer number of action scenes. There are three kung fu fights and a shoot-out in the first fifteen minutes. In total (Yes, I counted) there are fourteen kung fu battles, three shoot-outs, a brief ice locker torture scene, a car bomb, two scenes involving hitmen on motorcycles, and two interrogation room beatings. Cynthia's highlights are a great fight on a moving ambulance in witch she is shoved though the window, her head dangling above the pavement, fighting on top of it, hanging off the front grill, and another fight with a fugly gwailo woman in a warehouse that involves some precarious scaffolding and elevator shaft fu. Donnie, however, has a the majority of the good fights, like a motorcycle chase and joust, as well as his fantastic final fight with a beefcake Ike Turner lookalike. If you are looking for action every three minutes, look no further. The In the line of Duty series is mainly known for showcasing the talents of female action stars, Michelle Khan (Yeoh) and Cynthia Khan, however this entry is mainly Donnie Yen's chance to shine and one of the first films to gain him any notoriety as a lead. Before this films success, he was essentially going to give up hope for a movie career. Donnie actually saves Cynthia in most of her scenes. When she is drugged and fighting a knife wielding assassin, its Donnie to the rescue! When they are attacked by a motorcycle psycho hitman, its Donnie who takes him on. When Cynthia is fighting Michael Wong in the finale, it's only with Donnie's help that they finish him. So, its rather clear that Woo Ping favored Donnie, and, no disrespect to Cynthia, but kung fu fans are all the better for it.

  • Hong Kong action, par excellence.


    It's non-stop fight action all the way in director Yuen Woo-ping's amazing martial arts classic 'In The Line Of Duty'. Sporting a great line in blouson jackets (leather AND tassled suede) and tight snow-washed jeans, feisty female fight star Cynthia Khan, aided by high-kicker Donnie Yen, battles nasty gangsters and corrupt cops in this prime slice of 80s kung fu cinema. OK, the story might not be anything special—a witness to a crime is hunted by both the police and the gangsters—but with blistering chop-socky and dangerous stunts from the opening frames to the end credits, those who enjoy Hong Kong mayhem will be in heaven when they watch this. Using virtually none of his trademark wire-work (that, in my opinion, ruins many of his films), Woo-ping presents the viewer with a roller-coaster ride of top action set-pieces and amazing acrobatic mêlées that show off his stars' skills to great effect. Khan is easy on the eye, but deadly in a fight, and gives her all in several brutal battles, one of which sees her performing an amazing routine with a couple of spanners standing in for a pair of nunchakus, and another which has her fighting atop a moving ambulance. Yen is also on fine form, performing more than his fair share of life-threatening action, but his best moment is undoubtedly the final rooftop punch-up with the massive Michael Woods—David and Goliath, kung fu style! Throw in some great motorcycle-fu, loads of energetic gun fights, a sword fight or two, and good support from both Yat Chor Yuen (as the unlucky witness Luk) and Michael Wong (as a traitorous CIA agent), and the result is a hugely enjoyable masterpiece of the genre.

  • Excellent martial arts film


    This is one great action film. It combines the fighting talents of Cynthia Khan and Donnie Yen with Yuen Woo-Ping's excellent directing skills. The plot is something about a witness to a murder by the CIA who flees to Hong Kong. However, this movie is filled to the brim with fight scenes. Of note is Donnie's fight with Michael Woods, the dirt bike joust, Cynthia's fight in the elevator shaft, and the last big brawl. There are so many good fights, that this movie isn't to be missed.

  • Masterpiece of the genre


    "In The Line Of Duty 4" is one of the best kung fu movies ever made. I will simply list the reasons: 1) An astounding Cynthia Khan. She looks great, she fights great, and when she's required to, she can also act! 2) An incredible, young, full of I-want-to-show-the-world-what-I-can-do energy Donnie Yen. 3) Fight choreography that cannot be topped (and virtually wire-free, too). 4) Great, skillful, ruthless villains. Guys (and one woman) that make you wonder: can they be defeated? 5) Awesome, death-defying stunts. 6) A take-no-prisoners, anything-goes attitude that is unique to Hong Kong action cinema. 7) A simple and functional plot, that still manages to touch such subjects as friendship, betrayal and the emotional involvement of law enforcers. Don't miss this film. Rating it within its genre, I give it a full **** out of 4 stars.

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